Faust not working inside compiled scriptnode
I'm trying to make a scriptnode that uses nodes and Faust modules chained together.
I've set the compile flag for the whole script and the compile dialog shows both my entire script and the faust module itself as compilable.
After the compile, I try to add my script back as a hardcoded script. I see both the faust section and my full script listed as binaries. If I select the faust script it works fine but only has that faust section. If I select the full script, the rest of it works but the faust part that was inside it seems to be bypassed.
Am I doing something wrong or can a whole scriptnode with faust inside it not be compiled?
I'm trying to do somewhat convoluted routing with lfo in the scriptnode controlling parameters of the faust node. So I can't just have multiple scripts in the module tree and process the faust section in serial, I need the script to control the faust.
@whoopsydoodle pull and compile the latest develop commit that passes the CI test (check github), then update Faust to the latest version.
@whoopsydoodle said in Faust not working inside compiled scriptnode:
After the compile, I try to add my script back as a hardcoded script. I see both the faust section and my full script listed as binaries. If I select the faust script it works fine but only has that faust section. If I select the full script, the rest of it works but the faust part that was inside it seems to be bypassed.
Ok so you only ever need to select the "full script" - if you select the "Faust file" it will only show you the controls the core.faust node is exposing (I'm guessing these are the controls you are modulating in your "Full script") - if its all compiling it would usually work Ok - make sure you havent bypassed the core.faust node, and that you are modulating faust params using the exposed controls from core.faust node.
heres a simple wavefolder done in Faust as an example;
Here's what it looks like compiled and loaded into a hardcoded master fx
if I select just the Faust nodes file it looks like this:
@aaronventure I did this about a week ago. Is this a newly fixed bug?
@Lindon yep. This closely describes what I’m getting. Except that when I load the full script version as a hardcoded fx the audio passes like the Faust section has been disabled. Anything changing the audio in scriptnode modules only acts as expected and all of my parameter knobs are shown.
I just made a new more simple scriptnode with the same faust module and it compiled fine.
So there is something about the specific scriptnode I am working with that's causing it's faust to not function when it compiles. It functions properly when doing the live preview but for some reason when I compile it to DLL it breaks the faust part.
I'm going through my script now and one by one deleting things to try to figure out what is causing the issue.
Are there any previously known circumstances that cause faust to stop working when compiled to dll? It was my assumption that if it works in the live script node it'll be the same just more optimized when compiled and then used as a hardcoded fx. Apparently that's not the case.
I found a culprit.
I'm still doing testing in case it's an interaction between 2 different nodes causing the issue but right now it looks like if you have your parameter knob sending to a control.blend node and then the output of that blend going to a faust node it causes the issue. After being compiled to DLL the parameter control does not reach the faust node.
@whoopsydoodle good catch.
@whoopsydoodle Post an issue on Github, provide as much data as possible (snippet, compiled VST, LICEcap gifs etc.) and add a link to this thread as well.
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