Preset (.hip) opens empty
Yes, sure, I'll make sure that illegal properties won't cause more harm than necessary...
I had for a couple of times same issue, luckily I use make a cloned copy inside two other hard disks... it could be quite annoying (without speaking of the moment of panic for having lost the job done).
@Christoph-Hart said in Preset (.hip) opens empty:
I think i need to make a Hip2XML tool so you can see whats wrong.
I hit this problem again with another project. Can't we just get rid of the .hip format altogether?
I made a recovery XML but when I tried to load it I got a message about invalid xml. I fixed the invalid tag and tried to load the file into HISE again but it just opens up an empty project as does the .hip.
@d-healey I'm facing rhe opposite. Saved a huge xml (3.5mb) and it does not open. .hip does.
@hisefilo said in Preset (.hip) opens empty:
@d-healey I'm facing rhe opposite. Saved a huge xml (3.5mb) and it does not open. .hip does.
Did you try validating the xml? -
@d-healey nope! Nice one. Will try it tomorrow
@d-healey to be honest this is the only thing I don't feel comfortable with Hise. Never figured out what's the best format to properly save my work.
Yes I'm a bit lost too with the formats, and the menu is not clear to me neither
I've seen somewhere in the forum the xml is safer to use compared to the hip
In fact I don't know why the hip is made for. I use it in my sand box project so it's easy to test some code whitout loading a new project or xml every time, then when I am ready, I import the code in my main project...I had too many issues with both xml and hip not loading, so I think this way is the safest I found for me at least... but maybe some of you have a safer way to work?
Also, everyday or after a big change in the code, I duplicate the entire project and keep 10 days of backups... paranoia…
Or just use Git.
It‘s weird with all projects I did I never had any issues with loading the files so if you find something reproducible let me know.
The XML recovery isn't working.
Here is the
file. I had to change the extension to mp3 so it would upload (maybe .hip should be an allowed upload format).irishWhistles.mp3
irishwhistles.hip (done ;) )Here is the recovered (invalid) XML. This is missing lots of things.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Processor Type="SynthChain" ID="irishWhistles" Bypassed="0" Gain="1" Balance="0" VoiceLimit="64" KillFadeTime="20" IconColour="0" packageName="" BuildVersion="650"> <EditorStates BodyShown="0" Visible="1" Solo="0" Folded="1"/> <ChildProcessors> <Processor Type="MidiProcessorChain" ID="Midi Processor" Bypassed="0"> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="1" Solo="0" Folded="0"/> <ChildProcessors> <Processor Type="ScriptProcessor" ID="Interface" Bypassed="0" Script="/* Copyright 2019 David Healey This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with This file. If not, see <>. */ Content.makeFrontInterface(800, 580); include("manifest.js"); include("settings.js"); Synth.deferCallbacks(true); Engine.loadFontAs("{PROJECT_FOLDER}fonts/BLKCHCRY.TTF", "blackCherry"); reg i; reg lastArticulation = 0; //Dynamics\breath control const var dynamicsCC = Synth.getModulator("dynamicsCC"); const var legato = Synth.getMidiProcessor("legato"); const var knbDynamics = Content.getComponent("knbDynamics"); knbDynamics.setControlCallback(onknbDynamicsControl); //Dynamics knobs inline function onknbDynamicsControl(control, value) { dynamicsCC.setAttribute(dynamicsCC.DefaultValue, value); legato.setAttribute(legato.knbBreath, value); } //Settings button inline function onbtnSettingsControl(component, value) { Content.getComponent("pnlInstrument").set("enabled", value); 	Content.getComponent("fltPreset").showControl(0); 	Content.getComponent("pnlAbout").showControl(0); 	Content.getComponent("btnAbout").setValue(0); 	Content.getComponent("btnPreset0").setValue(0); 	Content.getComponent("pnlSettings").showControl(1-value); }; Content.getComponent("btnSettings").setControlCallback(onbtnSettingsControl); //Curve editors const var btnCC = []; const var tblCC = []; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { btnCC[i] = Content.getComponent("btnCC"+(i+1)); btnCC[i].setControlCallback(onbtnCCControl); tblCC[i] = Content.getComponent("tblCC"+(i+1)); } inline function onbtnCCControl(control, value) { local idx = btnCC.indexOf(control); local params = ["Expression", "Dynamics", "Vibrato Intensity", "Vibrato Rate"]; for (i = 0; i < tblCC.length; i++) { tblCC[i].showControl(false); btnCC[i].setValue(false); } tblCC[idx].showControl(value); btnCC[idx].setValue(value); //Show velocity table if value is false Content.getComponent("tblCC0").showControl(1-value); //Set parameter label if (value == 1) Content.getComponent("lblParam").set("text", params[idx]); else Content.getComponent("lblParam").set("text", "Velocity"); //Show velocity dynamics button if dynamics is selected Content.getComponent("btnVelDynamics").showControl(idx == 1 && value == 1); Content.getComponent("lblVelocityControl").showControl(idx == 1 && value == 1); } //About screen inline function onbtnAboutControl(component, value) { Content.getComponent("pnlInstrument").set("enabled", 1-value); 	Content.getComponent("fltPreset").showControl(0); 	Content.getComponent("pnlAbout").showControl(value); 	Content.getComponent("pnlSettings").showControl(0); 	Content.getComponent("btnSettings").setValue(1); }; Content.getComponent("btnAbout").setControlCallback(onbtnAboutControl); //Preset handling //Get samplers const var samplerIds = Synth.getIdList("Sampler"); const var childSynths = {}; for (s in samplerIds) { childSynths[s] = Synth.getChildSynth(s); } //Preset buttons inline function onbtnPreset0Control(component, value) { Content.getComponent("pnlInstrument").set("enabled", 1-value); 	Content.getComponent("fltPreset").showControl(value); 	Content.getComponent("pnlAbout").showControl(0); 	Content.getComponent("btnAbout").setValue(0); 	Content.getComponent("pnlSettings").showControl(0); 	Content.getComponent("btnSettings").setValue(1); }; Content.getComponent("btnPreset0").setControlCallback(onbtnPreset0Control); inline function loadAdjacentPreset(control, value) { if (value == 1) { local idx = btnPreset.indexOf(control); idx == 0 ? Engine.loadPreviousUserPreset(false) : Engine.loadNextUserPreset(false); Content.getComponent("lblPreset").set("text", Engine.getCurrentUserPresetName()); } } const var btnPreset = []; btnPreset[0] = Content.getComponent("btnPreset1").setControlCallback(loadAdjacentPreset); btnPreset[1] = Content.getComponent("btnPreset2").setControlCallback(loadAdjacentPreset); //Patch selection and loading drop down const var cmbPatches = Content.getComponent("cmbPatches"); cmbPatches.setControlCallback(oncmbPatchesControl); inline function oncmbPatchesControl(control, value) { local patch = control.getItemText(); colourKeys(patch); loadSampleMaps(patch); if(Engine.getCurrentUserPresetName() == "") Content.getComponent("lblPreset").set("text", "Default"); else Content.getComponent("lblPreset").set("text", Engine.getCurrentUserPresetName()); } //Populate patch selection drop down const var patches = []; for (k in Manifest.patches) { patches.push(k); } cmbPatches.set("items", patches.join("\n")); inline function colourKeys(patch) { local range = Manifest.patches[patch].range; for (i = 0; i < 127; i++) { if (i >= range[0] && i <= range[1]) { Engine.setKeyColour(i, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.white, 0.0)); //Light key colour } else { Engine.setKeyColour(i, Colours.withAlpha(, 0.5)); //Dark key colour } } } inline function loadSampleMaps(patch) { local sampleMaps = Sampler.getSampleMapList(); for (id in samplerIds) //Each sampler { //A sample map for this patch was found or sampler is transition sampler if (sampleMaps.contains(patch + "_" + id) || id == "transitions") { childSynths[id].setBypassed(false); //Enable sampler if (id == "transitions") { childSynths[id].asSampler().loadSampleMap(patch + "_staccato"); //Load staccato sample map } else { childSynths[id].asSampler().loadSampleMap(patch + "_" + id); //Load the sample map } } else { childSynths[id].setBypassed(true); //Bypass sampler childSynths[id].asSampler().loadSampleMap("empty"); //Load empty sample map for this sampler } } }function onNoteOn() { 	 } function onNoteOff() { 	 } function onController() { 	 } function onTimer() { 	 } function onControl(number, value) { 	 } "> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="1" Solo="0" contentShown="1" onInitOpen="1"/> <ChildProcessors/> <Content> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbRel" value="250"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbStacc" value="-2.9999986"/> <Control type="ScriptButton" id="btnBreath" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptButton" id="btnRR" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptLabel" id="lblVelocityControl" value="Velocity Control"/> <Control type="ScriptButton" id="btnVelDynamics" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbExpression" value="127"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbDynamics" value="127"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbVibIntensity" value="16"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbVibratoRate" value="90"/> <Control type="ScriptButton" id="btnCC1" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptButton" id="btnCC2" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptButton" id="btnCC3" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptButton" id="btnCC4" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptLabel" id="lblParam" value="Velocity"/> <Control type="ScriptTable" id="tblCC0" value="127" data="24...............vO...f+....9C...vO"/> <Control type="ScriptTable" id="tblCC1" value="23" data="24...............vO...f+....9C..3rO"/> <Control type="ScriptTable" id="tblCC2" value="0" data="36...............vO....+PMvd6C..3rO...f+....9C..jwO"/> <Control type="ScriptTable" id="tblCC3" value="0" data="24...............vO...f+....9C..jwO"/> <Control type="ScriptTable" id="tblCC4" value="0" data="24...............vO...f+....9C..nqO"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbGain" value="1.4901161e-06"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbPan" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbCoarse" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbFine" value="0"/> <Control type="ScriptLabel" id="lblPreset" value="Default"/> <Control type="ScriptComboBox" id="cmbPatches" value="1"/> <Control type="ScriptSlider" id="knbTransition" value="-11.999999"/> </Content> <UIData> <ContentProperties DeviceType="Desktop"> <Component type="ScriptImage" id="imgBgEmpty" x="0" y="0" width="800" height="600" fileName="{PROJECT_FOLDER}Background_empty.png" scale=".5" text="imgBlankBg"/> <Component type="ScriptPanel" id="pnlInstrument" x="0" y="0" width="800" height="580" itemColour="0" itemColour2="0" bgColour="0" textColour="0" borderSize="0"> </> </Component> </ContentProperties> </UIData> </Processor> </ChildProcessors> </Processor> </ChildProcessors> </Processor>
The recovery file is written to the presets folder but when you use
File >> Open XML
it defaults to the XmlPresetBackups folder, so maybe that would be a better location to place the recovery xml.