Triggering Cable Table with MIDI note?
The normal Custom Modulator allows this via turning off the loop function.
I would love to be able to replicate this in scriptnode where I am normally using a ramp to run the table, but would like to turn that off and use the table (envelope) as a single shot, triggered by a midi note.Optimally , I would like the "envelope" shape in the table to have an option to be a pure one shot (midi note triggers the envelope and it runs its course) or it listens for a note off and stops the envelope when it occurs.
In this case I would still need temposync but not clocksync.
@lalalandsynth Bump on this - did you find a solution? Cheers.
@clevername27 The ramp node has a loop start parameter, set it to 1.0 and it will one shot.
@modularsamples Thanks! I also found that the voice killer gain module did this, as well. Cheers!
@clevername27 Cool, hadn't thought of that.. Got me thinking, I wonder if it's possible to give a table envelope a release stage somehow, maybe by inverting a gate signal to activate a standard envelope on note off?