Issue with LFO fade in time
Try this
HiseSnippet 857.3oc6W0raSCDDd2jrnVATUfJDG8A3DBTcao.mZZRSppHsIJNsfDGJK1SRVg8tF60ExiRuwMdF3Af2m9F.6ZmFaqZpRfRaEBeHxyL638ame91IcBD1PXnH.gmu2He.guEwZDWNr9PJii1YKDdAxtzPIDXjnp1HeZXH3fv3xaqUfmuBJ94jMpQcobaHUEBcffYCsXdLYp1NUeEy0sI0A5w7xr50ptisfWW3JhT3oLYYjO09CzAvdT8xJQP3azvgIEAVRpDBQ3J0DNirFJ9DOY8GvBYu2EzBlHK0GJQcSgqiFw52Q0Gxbc5b54NDgvjNoQgxIQgkH6xbXSzmFMVL1fQpGYiG3RmG7LyBukKDdlE.OTFzUIAcJPHbhbox7HSmNFafIxmo1gKAdHSNJa55JEt2gzgIsGVLdKU.dUIp+13cbx+1jF86C1xTvVgz7MWtY5ERfxMIVLND2QFCj6GKa7Z5Qfw1.GBzAUyeUS4WN93uMsMk9ScSYaaoZ66EP4g9hvbeXKvi0Sv0QjTk6GBMCfO1UmkyputfFTnoS1no5PVnOVTYTPb4xldhHtLW4Q4oNmjkbHeWSl0W.SQk+yTDC2xSGbKHBh6blabVTUS646BM3GAtBkFMFuKYKnOMxUdp17E46J3B+gBNyNaEPWPFvFL.Bxh8BOPaJkpqVR0rT0tfKPyVM+vpsTUgz.UbB9MiElSer37xWOfj.WCcmow+FL7k+SY3mg62wmkWkPZ0r83lA0aFSfu44Bx2s+9eeiZLegKMPeMkliJB31YNDyUUygtS5bQ9esplttuHvKYuSSOsfAp8LqldfmuPQ2mqr1xSHjCY7A4YlWpZKgvuAmphHNY+H0iBkBuS2TD9QjUV6o4eNps5m9OV+5KqGKirjf+VTIEgeKY830mw9psuXjQWbcOklxxv6EmfmjI0o5q4MNIHdRs00DDeUObTWQjT0CrKUww+YUG7dQdVpYRrAER3bvUsQDbI8bEIxKqkSFJg6DK7C0yXilZY7XilmZ7RYO7n1AhCUyTICDt5B44h0nN273+ly7p+ukR1vDcD0MZbTxSMJwg115f8STQmh8XkY1iUmYOVal83YyrGqOyd77Y1iWbNdnmaayHEEZxsVJEcZjvLhmv1hKi9IzDJu+.
Thanks... I do hear some sort of fade-in, but it feels extremely fast for a 3 sec fade-in. At least compared to the other engines I'm used to. Do we know - is this a linear intensity fade in, or something else?
In any case - an additional simple or table mod on the intensity gets me the results I'm expecting.
Also finding it odd that you're stuck with the one sine phase... but custom shape fixes that.
Probably just have to force my brain to not expect parity with what I'm used to!
@dxmachina Yes phase adjustment has been requested before (by me I think) and it seems that the fade in is linear but it would be nice to have control over the curve.
Ok, I see what's really throwing me off with this. Even if you set the fade in at 3 seconds and then modulate the intensity even further it doesn't change one behavior: the pitch mod amount is immediately applied at MAX instead of actually fading in. So for instance in this snippet notice how the note plays an octave higher even though the LFO intensity doesn't fully fade in for 20 seconds. I've tried all the shapes including custom and they all share this same basic behavior.
Don't know if this is by design - but this seems very "wrong" to me.
HiseSnippet 870.3oc6W0saSCCE1tsFwDvz.lPbYt.tBAZYLFvUqacsSSzsUsTFHgPSljSasHwNj3TnuA7lf3sf2AdA3QXWwsfcRWSBKTZGkg.MeQUNG6i8mO+74SaEHrgvPQ.BOW6A9.BeYh0.trWsdTFGs8lH77jcngRHvHQ0FC7oggfCBiKukVAdtJn3wQqsA0kxsgTUHzABlMzj4wjoZaU8ILW2FTGnMyKypWo511BdMgqHRgmxjkP9T6WS6B6R0KqDAguPcGlTDXIoRHDgqrgvYfUOwa4Iq+.VH6UtfVvDYo1nD0MDtNZDq+FUqGy0o0w26PDBSZk5EJm3EVjrCygMRep2Xg3ILRsHq+.WZbvyLK7VpP3YV.7PYPWkDzo.gvIxkJyiLc3X3DLQ9H01bIvCYxAYCW+Ug6UIsXR6dEi2REfWUf5OMdGF7uBodmNfsLErUHMd9Yajd9DnbIhEiCwUjw.4FwxFOi1GL1B3Pf1oZ9yJJ+zWe4GmzhR+ItnbOao53aGP4g9hvbarE3wZK3ZORpxmFBMBf2ruNJmUeMAMnvoNZsFpKYg1XQkQAwoKq6Ih3xboGkm3XRVxg7UMYVeALEUNmoHFtkmL3VfGD25Du3rfJm1y2Epy6CtBkFMFuFYSnCMxUdr17I46H3B+dBNyNaFv9fLf0sKDjE6EdgVWJUOsjpYwp6Ct.Ma17sp1TkERCT9I3T5KLmbew3hW2jj.WCckow+GL7k+cY3mh22wmjWkPZ1XugECpuLFAeyesScCluvkFnelRyQEAb6Ly+k0zbnam1Wj+Gppoq6HB7RN6zcpIzUclYc.sAOeghtOWZskmPH6w3cyyLiPMEB+5bpxi3jcaqEEJEdGenH7sIKux8xO5um5mN2Q+4iqEKirjf+lTIEgeAY0eb8ypAZ1U8TZBSCudb.dTjTGpmoENmxDwwS9knz3Lg768e9bxuYN4WRV2H9gYdV2+lM3tuHRp3w1gpRUemhEd2HOKUek1fBIbN3pNHBtjt2vD4kzxIMVxchE9lZLbRSsLd3jlGO4YxY3QsCDGp5KVFHb0YyWLVi5dyi+qpyo9OyJYCSTepazPujmpcvCss0N66p7NEawxSsE2epsXko1hGL0Vr5TawCmZKdzXrP2685QpmASHKTJZUO40M7nWLwkQeWqE.lw
@dxmachina I think I have a solution which I will check and post soon when I'm back at my computer
Yes I think I have the solution. I had a similar issue when I was using an LFO with pitch in one of my projects and trying to control the intensity via a CC. What you have to do is place a constant modulator on the pitch with the inverse pitch shift applied by the LFO.
HiseSnippet 887.3oc6WEsaSCCE0tsFwXvz.lP7Xd.dBApcLFvSqqcsSSztUsTFHgPSljaasHwNj3Ln+A7mf3q.9G3GfOg8DuB1IsMorvVKzMPnkGp58ZeiO9bu2icZ4Krff.gOBOW69d.BeYhYetrW0dTFGs0FH7Bjlz.I3aD6pReOZP.Xiv37apcfmq.J54v0pPcnbKHwEBsmfYAMXtLYh2VkeBywoN0FZybSM6UJukkfWU3HBU3IOoHxiZ8ZZWXapdZ4HH7EpYyjBeSIUBAHbgJB69l8DukGO+8XArW4.ZiRHS0KJ1ccgisFwZunp8XN1sFtuCPHLoUBKjOlEVhzjYyF4OgMVLZ.ijHRyG3bGG7JkFdEmX3gRgtBwnSABgcnCUNNxzoiACvDimo1hKAd.S1Oc55uJbuJoESZ0Ka7lKC7pRTm13cPx+JjZc5.VxDvVfT+4msY5Ehgx7DSFGh5Hi.xMhrMdF8.vXSfC9ZRszupo7ye6kebRaJ8l3lxcrjpkusOkG3IBF6EaBtr1BtlQRb9z.ntO7lc0Y4z9qJn9YNzgqUWsIyLFSpLzOpbYcWQHWNV4Q9INmjs3PwrDGJbt3PDbyOYrYFLHt0QNjYQUYrqmCTie.3HTdzX7ZjMfNzPG4PuiWW2TvEd8DblU5j9tfzm0sK3mF6YtgVWJUmlj3Yox6BN.McA7sJ2PU3Q8U7Db5yEGW95ljX3ZnaFM9+PTO+epn9Tz0l6nRoDRi56LnYP8OiQvuzISpUXdBGpu9jIsrTHvsRM9WWSKatUxUg79PYsBcGgua7Zm7lZ.cUqYZBnM35ITJ7iUVa5JDxdLd2wEiQnFBgWMNUwH1oesUCCjB2gKJBeaxxqbuweNXG0Octi9uOtZjMxTBdaPkTD9EjU+44OqdPyttmbSXY30iRvixj5T8LUvq3rRvK1owYhf26+x4BdybAu3JsQZB+dUZybDShQ7kHUE7.IUcMIMVmej4Iq38oTJdyrhg+ktp8thPoRdsIU0M8NEiscnqo5FtVfBIbN3nVHBNm9Vpw1E01wWwkaGY7c0yfAKoswCFrzvAOSVCWpkuXe0Mzk9BGcC2Ei7n127nOZdN0WuqrMJgNf5DNfkbU2RceKKMYeWE6jcDKO0Qb+oNhUl5HdvTGwpScDObpi3QGSD5OIX8P0oyw5YJGspEenKdzA437ne..iD1O
Really appreciate your thoughtful replies. However, doesn't this render the pitch center wrong for everything after the initial pitch? Essentially the constant becomes the pitch center that the LFO revolves around.
I have to say - and this is only meant constructively - in 25 years of synth and sampler programming I've never seen a modulator behave like this.
@dxmachina said in Issue with LFO fade in time:
Really appreciate your thoughtful replies. However, doesn't this render the pitch center wrong for everything after the initial pitch? Essentially the constant becomes the pitch center that the LFO revolves around.
Not sure, try it and let me know :)
I have to say - and this is only meant constructively - in 25 years of synth and sampler programming I've never seen a modulator behave like this.
Yup me neither which is why Christoph had to point me in the right direction with this. I think it's something to do with HISE's tree view paradigm.
@d-healey Yes... it does indeed adopt the constant's pitch center. @Christoph-Hart anything I'm missing here?
Sorry to be an annoying thread-bumper, but I really could use some assistance with this. Is this a bug - or is there any other workaround?
@Christoph-Hart Help!!
Well, actually the modulation fade-in starts from 1.0 and then gradually applies more "modulation" (= distance from 1.0). This is the intended behaviour for gain modulation (and almost every other modulation too), however for pitch modulation it's indeed a bit weird and produces the behaviour you are describing.
Problem is that I can't just change that without breaking all projects that might use this feature for pitch modulated LFOs, but I might introduce it as "breaking change" on the next update - along with a few other overdue additions to the LFO like setting the phase etc.
@Christoph-Hart Thanks very much. A breaking change would be very much appreciated - as would setting the phase!
@dxmachina said in Issue with LFO fade in time:
@Christoph-Hart Thanks very much. A breaking change would be very much appreciated - as would setting the phase!
I second this