How do I... copy a widget between projects
I cant seem to make this simple functionality work.
Clearly Ctrl-C wont get a widget copied to the clipboard
Ctrl-D only duplicates in situ
I've tried copying the JSON, but that seems to get pasted then ignored...
There must be a way to do this ..surely...
@Lindon Paste the JSON and hit F5
@d-healey done that. Nothing happens. No new widget shows up.
Yep, confirmed, this doesn't work.
Honestly I've never needed this, and there was nobody requesting it until now, but I agree it makes sense :)
I found a way to transfer an entire GUI from one project to another. If you save your project as an XML then the UI data is saved in a separate folder (as long as you have added an interface script to the project). All you need to do is replace this folder with the one from your other project.
I haven't tried it but I see no reason why you couldn't edit the UI Data in a text edit (it's an XML file too) and copy and paste individual widgets between projects that way.
@d-healey sounds gnarly - but I will give it a try - I'm really surprised no one has asked for this it would be really really nice if we could use the JSON to do this....