Scriptnode Convolution Not Embedding
I'm using the Convolution module to build a chain in the scriptnode UI. The block is set to "embedded" rather than the external file option however when I build my plugin the IR data is not included and instead when the plugin is loaded it loads the IR file from a now hardcoded disk location. If that file moves the plugin does not load any IR.
I'm trying to embed the file so it's included in the plugin and not something I need to worry about installing on a user's disk somewhere. I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do this.
Any help is appreciated.
@whoopsydoodle Did you check the “Embed audio files” option in the project settings?
@whoopsydoodle Also, did you load the audio files into the pool?
Yes both "Embed audio files" is checked and I just tried putting Engine.loadAudioFilesIntoPool(); in my onInit with no joy. Same result.
Should that code be put somewhere else?
Anyone else have any suggestions? I've been browsing around and basically trying anything I can find but so far I'm still stuck with it not working.
@whoopsydoodle basic question, but just to be sure: you did put the IR file in the AudioFiles folder of your HISE project, right?
@Matt_SF if I put my IR in the 'AudioFiles' folder in my project folder, the VST3 doesn't load the IR at all. If I use an IR from outside of that folder it works as long as the path of the file is maintained.
So somehow it's even worse?