Sidechain Fx like Kickstart?
I'm new to Hise and I was wondering if it's possible to create a Sidechain Fx like the Kickstart plugin but it will be implemented as a On/Off button for my Sampler instrument?
Any idea?
@Gab You can use LFO and table env.
@DabDab I will try this thanks!
@Gab do not use the single gain module for this because it has a latency which will make your sidechain effect offset
@yall I guess ScriptFx may do it.
@DabDab yes With lfo
@yall i'm fairly new to scriptnode, could you explain a bit more?
I should use the default fx LFO and then use a scriptnode for the Gain module?
@Gab take a gain in scriptnode yes (I don't know if it is better than the module in terms of latency but I think so) and connect it to an lfo in scriptnode then compile your network and everything will happen in scriptfx