Freq to note (st + cents)
Hi guys. I got a table with a lot of frequencies and amplitudes. (still doing additive weird things). Is there a way to turn frequencies to notes? les't say I set freq 447 and the module gets A4 +7 cents value? and to pass that value via scripting?
@hisefilo Go to the API help in HISE and type in "freq". :D I only see the opposite - turn note into frequency.
@d-healey because I need the opposite :) Engine.getFrequencyForMidiNoteNumber(int midiNumber)
I need to get note number + cents for a freq. Maybe it's a silly question but you know my basic skills
Let's say I got an array with "32" frequencies, then I need a sine module to play all of these notes for the freqs on the array
Time to make an array/MIDI list.
@d-healey yes. I already have it but looking for a way to just paste freqs on Hise. Not to convert manually outside Hise
@hisefilo Oh I see the problem.
Well this page has a formula to convert frequency to pitch:
So you should implement this and then share it with us :) or maybe @Christoph-Hart can add it as an Engine function.
Basically its just the inversion of this formula from the JUCE method:
double MidiMessage::getMidiNoteInHertz (const int noteNumber, const double frequencyOfA) noexcept { return frequencyOfA * std::pow (2.0, (noteNumber - 69) / 12.0); }
I‘ll leave that here as excercise in basic math ;)
@Christoph-Hart god bless you. I was about to drop my MacBook through the window :)
@d-healey can't warranty I can do it. But if I get something will share
@d-healey @Christoph-Hart Playing around with additive + FM for pad
it's just a patch