Crash: More than 8 Sine Generators in a single Group
HiseSnippet 1103.3oc6ZtraaaDEFdnkXQjyklfDTzkbQW3.jFHk33DfrH1VWbEZjsfnSZ2YLg7HqAlbFlgCUpZQew5llkYW6iPeDxaP6LjxRCSnUUYsibKFsvvykC4+bt7cHAXeNyChiYbjUsCmDAHqqY6NgJF0bDlPQcagrtgcyA639MG8jXBEhQ6NIBGGC9HKqJ6o1iUspnzeu+Y6hCvTOX9THzKYDO34jPhX9r829aIAAcv9vgjPscu41c8Xzlr.VhTOUrqihvdmfOF1Gq11Z1HqOqsOQv3tBrPpEqp6x7m3Nh8FZ19eIIl7p.PMnAxUdgxltCKvWoX0rnliHA98O8bGiPV18m6Epj4EticOhOY17y8F2LcAm4Vn6OrVKu7pjSdMzkWcM4UfjrzjT0LIcKaWONIRLeEkdtpcWp.3CwR2ttTx1Kx5s1MYxMPE2ODeBzgKGLyfM1pd864H+yce5vDpmfvnNL59LAb.ci6t9Osds0+40c9vkFNrv0T2FNKH.3EtrJRyWjgaPSBeEvumyXbPBLaixiedep8Y6S0C4dYmZsMxncoDwAQ.8rRDPScUx+6EcagEXUfX5bx8EAbAQIAqVvXYVcVXolcKH9DAKRlW+QwLY1ByOI.KxmBopaltfzGjKtoBNzXhXhdc04Vd0xJwaY2mH7FUrFWq.MJ8TWDZbZ030saObH3IlKvp1c99KlRO8a+mmCItGmkDkd2uc5DPL4GAtS5zMNKt3e7Ku62VVtXzRyEaSwxCSmd5WwlXNm.7tTe3GzRd90Yg2OZkWPIwLJKUJ6DxRnB8jtoq1BDIzbRe5BtQb.6qagR8tfTp9oWx3bovUVD49LKiyWons+BXlW+hBiWc4xkVbWl+CPGx00o1oZzkDFE.soig.IBbJdnELDmDHlMqtH6ISNhFwnDO8rlAffSN9XfqK8BOO6HDx19ym4NaO.B.brVR3Ws8ykOLBlKcSPIcEM9G2.tvv0WZmIWGUIqy+lv1mzrrEB3qrT.9yc8VdX+mTW20ryPhpf8k7nrrwUJj9RhTuQlTupDoPgzVpop7KRG67c3wfyd.E3pCQiE7hF+94eC0C7Dxa+gbLMNhEm6B6BgjCYT81YxdfwxmkFd8.UsStlvLLuvkd+y5HOjEZiKVjvSKB+vlvxhtx017fw.eLAdyeyK9T0zwzfduLfdGvRDD5w8vxmQP9Hp16mD5JqM8.oRnTHP8deVqopuxFWWMNq3j5mN3Ok+ltXC0XqoK13zEKKH5AFPjADY.QFPzpFD8PCHx.hLfHCHZUCh1z.hLfHCHx.hV0fnGY.QFPjADY.QqZPzVFPjADY.QFPzpFD8XCHx.hLfHCH5bCD8+k6QH1iyNxK6aMUUEekzYj9VZ5GWbM6dpwNMPoe+oR6rqe+5nPY06QddpP5WKiAEayCJgMOrD1rYIr4QkvlsJgMOtD17jEZiBbtShfElUtKmne6zOJWKqrO+wzJKzeU5bQY.
Add another 1 or 2 Sine Generators to the Group and press a note -> you can see in the video the Voice Count goes to like -758718571875813753
it didn't crash in the recording, but it's definitely crashy, only happens if they're in a Synth Group
wait i might be stupid, im on the Master branch...
ok still happening in the latest Develop commit
bumpy bump
ok I was able to get visual studio working at least well enough to get a callstack
Exception thrown: read access violation. **childVoice** was nullptr. occurred
HISE.exe!hise::ModulatorSynthGroupVoice::calculateNoFMVoiceInternal(hise::ModulatorSynth * childSynth, int unisonoIndex, int startSample, int numSamples, const float * voicePitchValues, bool & isFirst) Line 342
for (int i = 0; i < childContainer.size(); i++) { ModulatorSynthVoice *childVoice = childContainer.getVoice(i); //static_cast<ModulatorSynthVoice*>(childSynth->getVoice(childVoiceIndex)); // You have to remove them from the childvoice list jassert(unisonoStates.isBitSet(childVoice->getVoiceIndex())); if (childVoice->isInactive() || childVoice->getOwnerSynth() != childSynth) // childVoice nullptr here when container size > 8 { LOG_SYNTH_EVENT("V" + String(voiceIndex) + ": Skipping inactive voice " + String(childVoice->getVoiceIndex())); continue; } LOG_SYNTH_EVENT("V" + String(voiceIndex) + ": Rendering child voice " + String(childVoice->getVoiceIndex())); calculatePitchValuesForChildVoice(childSynth, childVoice, startSample, numSamples, voicePitchValues); childVoice->calculateBlock(startSample, numSamples); //etc
not sure what's causing any SineGen past 8 in a SynthGroup to be a nullptr, i cant compile the debug build so im stuck with release stack trace
void ModulatorSynthGroupVoice::ChildVoiceContainer::addVoice(ModulatorSynthVoice* v) { jassert(numVoices < 8); voices[numVoices++] = v; }
@Christoph-Hart is there any reason for this hard limit?
edit: im seeing a bunch of voice limits of 8 in here
@iamlamprey I consider the synth group kind of feature locked:
- use it for FM synthesis (one-carrier, one modulator)
- use it for unisono voices (up to sixteen) of a few sound generators.
- use it for combining a few sound generators into one. As you have kindly investigated, the hard limit is 8.
I don't have any plans of modifying this feature set as everything I add will decrease the performance of the existing use cases (and scaling is very critical here), especially if there are other solutions available. For additive synthesis (what I think you're after here), I strongly suggest going into scriptnode and setup one or more slider pack that drive the harmonic oscillator properties.
This being said, I've added a more user friendly form of communicating that you can't use more than 8 sound generators than a hard crash.
@Christoph-Hart Thanks for the clarification! I've been having some issues getting Scriptnode networks working in the compiled Rhapsody plugin but I'll try again today and see if I can figure out why it's doing what it's doing, otherwise I'll just keep the current setup