Win Audio Driver on Standalone App
@jay awesome!!!! thanks
@hisefilo Here is the snippet, sorry I don't know how to formatted property
HiseSnippet 1364.3ocsWsraaaDEcnsoQrpUPLP.5tBBsnPA00fTVxVtEEIQxVAN0OTkbCBPQgwHxQRCB4LDjCcpSfW1ujtn+AE4qna6GQ2zks.Ev8Nb3SIAWqBTuwbtOFdtuN7p9AbaRXHO.oswEW6SPZapO7ZlXZ2oXJCc7gHsGpeJNTPBLTh5bsONLj3fzzV8ERAZarFJ9u+3ocvtXlMIWDB8JN0lbB0iJxk1+YeM00sG1gbA0qf0Me1w1bVWtKOBvyp5lHer8avSHmgklshNRa8ibnBdvPAVPBQZq0g6b8vo72xT1+JZHcjKQdvBMDtHk3dbWGIhkRQcmRcc5mF2gH3V5mmEVUkEdr9oTGZl77rwihUXj6Qw7g1J2E7r92gm4hfmVA3slBdaoOzNf5Kx0Hw1GoeLCJTiwPInHrT1hVwaU8tbvBlXGO7aH8BfCYdTeOSysMZYZ9jurZkpUfBQnv3Jbfw.RH8cX.1FekQp6XGmNQBAmUuVl5Zaazvp01FV6su5JRMNjHwoOIPPIgvK06kCO+rxN99pULf+p8VpiXZsuvX21amHYJgNYpnjnwTWuPADRG6A8FfpZuu+fye4Qcu3xdmexgGM3lyHucHQHnSB2wmMAteiDWCswtjdXanFA9YtSilUqbiBsUqjAHIhkfOf61E65NBZBqmoraGk8TlKkQLFGwrETNynfA0sUNuMj+biHOoZkj3KGW8wLh6NgPqQxKptxT3puQgl7BvLdUtLDKpdsYrQVKZ0VVK18dUKl28XDmUOZzpQb1OubzbWkfQSTyqxxvAsOncqV62b2ZJcTAwKWaudcZ1vpg0bJanzZZ1p4AlIZGwCbHACvNznPPskYQwCouSV1kHHo3kUE3ry3Bx4r5Oox6qrQkalSy3wKRURQvkDrHsRVpf6vs5rHuQjfzxchcvvZY1f0uerA1pRUAC4riYTw49jjy2McFJoVKYNR.HXpHl23gI7FpgWD0QRZj04hhweQ1az2d7gXAN8pfaMu6AjcH4JfcWQIsg9gjv2H39.QcWtmOmIwf1CtWu3e.ooq8av66Z4C+L7PbmGbqq+oIHQ04UTRYd.jlg9cyCfJL8KCxO7I+3u+Me3WeJp.b2TA2po7qxogXztk9LyHJLuhVBl+ohX9umCyeVhj7tdjVE8zQhBhanjqFFPoSWxrU1zEp3vg7xqjb44SGRoqlH8pz1L36SZyGpONIT64xwBJaxETvVU8wNNdYSBUw5ec6s2FGq+I7PRrpq8wZ4wot1dvKzGG.ufBuo4yc4w0l5MareaqCLMaaVJ6HUbPyCZYYY0pb9ojlj1RUO3iz6FEJ3dY3Nt4ckeQSWQmcX.8JhjLZL1MjnnTT8vkkcdjvORTVVmnwiyndJHeH1y2kL.FwKK+Et7QX2N8OcFyEADrG.tS4Ny5Q.1eJ0d.gAUQvhYbrzmtDAQoxgHFVNoa2xlGu20y83QLwoQtBpuKc1HuqKAGH2lYVeUgzIbarjma1z0nnEf8Bn6DZnL08cpO4YtSqsSeZ+zGsR++NMxDkYWC4+9dfZGVTbtEef0u3NQtXQ4cxjKhln.PbokejK3vBohqKtn5Rrnl48dOx6Kb2RuOUXOcw3ckEfWf98+a7lr1aU8iftbaQNXWSu2q+uti6R.kA7H4D6oXfOWR1bVj2PXZ2l.HgALFgwjsxOtoNaJOKyLCgok3C.mzsIJsjm0RTZkpD4gsC3Wlralbw5GDKAvDK92WrA7CcfyFVoeGThaOX93RaaYh3yAjuXOZrzdr6R6Qyk1iVKsG6szdr+R6Q66vCIYzyi.Bb0XAHn+QwT3ZZGwjKJD2Ah9GnnzCjK
Just change "false" to "true" on the options you need.
@Jay thanks!!!! I can see it. But when I set any other item to "true", json is not updated. It comes back to the "false" you setted. How did you set it to true on UI Scale factor?
Press F5 to apply the changes (really need to add something here to make this more clear).
@hisefilo press F5 to save changes
@jay don't have that key :( on mac. Will try to find how to do that on my mac keyboard
@jay also Del key is a pain for mac users. I need to do Fn+Backspace LOL Christoph loves PCssssssss
@christoph-hart didn't see you reply!!!!! Yep. Will be cool
@hisefilo just tell me what do you need "true" and I'll send it to you
@jay on a Mac laptop you have F5 too
Fn+F5 :)
@jay Fn+F5 yay!!! Thanks for your offer. :)
@christoph-hart Yep!!! f5 text is a small gray thing in my mac. The key is operating keyboard brightness by just pressing it
@hisefilo fn+F5 will do change the brightness setting to regular F5 key function
By the way, can you describe again the exact steps to reproduce the issue and how to fix it? This is nagging me for quite some time now too.
@christoph-hart you mean the audio driver issue?
Compiled the standalone .exe version for the rhodes you already have, but adding the audio settings panel.
By opening the .exe it says audio driver could not be initialized. (Looks like compilation saves the audio driver from mac or whatever, and looks for Core Audio instead of Windows Audio or whatever)
Fix attempt 1:
Turned audio driver to false. But doesn't work out
Turned all of them false but ui scale factor. Doesn't work out eitherFix:
Removed the audio settings call completely and worked.Also, midi source on plug-in version also kills the plugin when you click it (obviously)