Notes Randomly Glitching Out
I have a handful of users reporting notes glitching out.
For example, they will play a progression and some notes will randomly sustain while others just cut off. The longer the progression is left playing and looping the more note glitches happen.
Effects I have included with the plugin:
Convolution Reverb
LFO Modulation
Standard Reverb
Chorus(also have ADSR & EQ)
I was thinking maybe it was one of the effects causing the issue. But after turning them all off some users still report the issue.
I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this type of issue before and might have an idea of what the root cause is.
@kameron are they using FL Studio?
@d-healey Yes, I believe all of them are on Fl Studio
@kameron Hello, same here. I also think other developers reported the issue.
What helped is to:
- Enable 'Align tick lengths' option in FL Studio Audio Settings.
- Deselect Wrapper settings > Processing > Allow threaded processing.
- Select 'Wrapper Settings > Processing' and enable the 'Use fixed size buffers' option.
Although it does not fully solve the issue, it reduces the amount of glitches.
Trusting and hoping that this issue will be soon fixed.
Sounds similar to this issue -
@d-healey yes, are right. Same issue. And is all in FL studio.
Just checked the other thread now and I saw that Christoph actually is on that problem now. Cannot wait for this issue to get fixed!