faust/export.h not found
@Jlev777 I should also mention that i do infact have the export.h file in my hise folder
@Jlev777 did you see this post? https://forum.hise.audio/topic/6746/updated-build-instructions/1
@Matt_SF I did,I followed the MacOS instructions and still get the error
@Jlev777 I think you still have to set the HisePath despite what the readme says. Let me know if that is the case then I‘ll update the file.
@Christoph-Hart Which HISE path exactly?
@Jlev777 Are you using the x64 faust binary? ARM64 won't work.
I just compiled HISE on Ventura w/ faust. Didn't have to change anything in Projucer. -
Sorry I meant FaustPath - the folder where it looks for the Faust libraries and header files
@Christoph-Hart Where do I set this?
@Jlev777 Hise Settings => Development Settings
@Christoph-Hart I need to rebuild HISE with Faust enabled, I cant set the HISE settings, since thats only done in a a compiled build. my export.h error is stopping me from building, is there another place in the projucer that I could make this link to the faust libraries?
@Jlev777 Have you changed the build scheme to "Debug with Faust"?
@Christoph-Hart Yes, I still get the export.h not found, is there a place or another way I can force my compiler to find export.h?
@Christoph-Hart Having the same problem here!
@Jack_Kelly Same problem.
@clevername27 did we uncheck the architecture of the machine were not using? I got this to work by unchecking x86 cuz im on ARM and it worked for me. ive def gotten that error before tho. Did you put all the folders in first before building
@FatMitchell Thank you - yes, that was it. Cheers.
@clevername27 got u