How to Save Arp/Seq Presets
I want to store bunch of sliderPack Arp / Seq as presets. How can I do it ? And How can I randomize it ? Any minimal example please ?
@DabDab here's a ready to go custom preset browser.
Custom Mini Preset Browser Example using FileSystem API
Hey folks! This seems to be a hot topic with the new FileSystem API, so for those who need a starting place for building a custom mini-preset browser in Hise...
Forum (
You just need to get the arp data into it... I can help you with this tomorrow (plus the randomisation)
@DabDab so this is the kind of code that you can use for the save / load functions of the custom preset browser script in the other thread (this involves 2 sliderpacks and a bunch of arp slider controls). Refer to the script in the other thread to see where this slots in:
reg SliderPack4SAVEData = []; reg SliderPack5SAVEData = []; const SliderPack4ARPDATA = {}; const SliderPack5ARPDATA = {}; inline function getControlValues() { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { SliderPack4SAVEData[i] = SliderPack4.getSliderValueAt(i); } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { SliderPack5SAVEData[i] = SliderPack5.getSliderValueAt(i); } return { "ARPNOTESNUMDATA" : ARPNOTESNUM.getValue(), "ARPSPEEDDATA" : ARPSPEED.getValue(), "ARPSHUFFLEDATA" : ARPSHUFFLE.getValue(), "ARPOCTAVEDATA" : ARPOCTAVE.getValue(), "ARPDIRECTIONDATA" : ARPDIRECTION.getValue(), "SliderPack4ARPDATA" : SliderPack4SAVEData, "SliderPack5ARPDATA" : SliderPack5SAVEData, }; } inline function setControlValues(data) { ARPNOTESNUM.setValue(data.ARPNOTESNUMDATA); ARPNOTESNUM.changed(); ARPSPEED.setValue(data.ARPSPEEDDATA); ARPSPEED.changed(); ARPSHUFFLE.setValue(data.ARPSHUFFLEDATA); ARPSHUFFLE.changed(); ARPOCTAVE.setValue(data.ARPOCTAVEDATA); ARPOCTAVE.changed(); ARPDIRECTION.setValue(data.ARPDIRECTIONDATA); ARPDIRECTION.changed(); for (i = 0; i < data.SliderPack4ARPDATA.length; i++) { SliderPack4.setSliderAtIndex(i, data.SliderPack4ARPDATA[i]); SliderPack5.setSliderAtIndex(i, data.SliderPack5ARPDATA[i]); } }
@DanH Thank you ... I will give it a try :) (y)
@DabDab iirc you'll need to create all the buttons etc that the script refers to as well