Annoyances - MacOS Compiles.....
So on my nice new M1 machine, and with a very recent set of HISE builds it seems that HISE will build my product fine - BUT it wont overwrite the plug-in thats already there - so if theres an older version of myplugin.vst3 it wont overwrite it with the new compile....I have to delete the old one first... or so MacOS seems to be telling me.
Also the terminal window is showing me this:
So Compiling PresetData.cpp -- appears twice...
Building library libHoriZEN_2.a. is in there twice...
Linking HoriZEN_2 is also in there twice....This was a bit disconcerting to start with but I think its because my nice new machine is building Universal Binaries - so an Intel and an Apple Silicon version - so maybe it has to do this stuff twice. Is that right?
@Lindon I also have those twice, compiling, linking etc..
strange though with not overwriting the old plugin, for me it's working.
Compiling to User/Audio/PlugIns.... -
@Lindon look inside the vst3 / au - at the contents. They should be up to date.
MacOS seems to be telling me
How does it tell you?
@d-healey said in Annoyances - MacOS Compiles.....:
MacOS seems to be telling me
How does it tell you?
with the last updated/created date...
@Lindon If it's the one in Finder don't trust it. It doesn't always update. Test by adding something obvious to the project and recompiling.
@d-healey "something obvious to the project"......??
Like what in a compiled vst3?
@Lindon in plugin you can add label with version like 0.1-alpha :))
@parabuh said in Annoyances - MacOS Compiles.....:
@Lindon in plugin you can add label with version like 0.1-alpha :))
hmm - I dont think I'm getting my point across....
I want to look in the finder at the VST3 folder and see that my plugin has been saved - BEFORE - I load and start testing it... but as the Finder isnt "reliable" I guess I will have to stick with this annoyance.
@Lindon You can assume that Xcode will always replace your plugin with the newest version after a successful build, even if Finder hasn't updated the modification date/time. To test that this assumption is correct, add a bright red panel (something obvious) over your entire UI and rebuild your plugin. Finder may or may not update the modification date/time, but you can open it in a host to confirm that the plugin has indeed been updated. After that just assume it's always updated with a successful build.
@d-healey - yeah I get all of that - its just a bit this thread's title
@Lindon Take it up with Tim Apple
@Lindon I've ended up deleting previous vst/au's just to be 100% certain even though the file is ok