Wavetable export issue
@Lindon Should the wavetables be embedded in the plugin or are they in a separate .dat file?
@d-healey they should be embeded no?
@Lindon I have no idea, I'm just making guesses.
@Lindon They are not embedded into the plugin, and not installed automatically.
The *.hwt files must be copied manually into appData/Audio files/ -
Is the WaveTable synth production-ready now?
@Matt_SF said in Wavetable export issue:
@Lindon They are not embedded into the plugin, and not installed automatically.
The *.hwt files must be copied manually into appData/Audio files/thanks.
Sigh - but that's not good news - its looking more and more like I have to build my own installer in HISE....meanwhile I need to work out how to get inno and WhiteBox to install these in the correct place - inno I think should be pretty easy....anyone got any clues for WhiteBox Packages?
@Lindon I'll be at home soon and I'll post both scripts I'm using to install the files
@Matt_SF cool thanks.
@Lindon On MacOs, setup Packages like this :
And use this post script :
#!/bin/sh # ensure plugin directory actually exists sudo -u $USER mkdir -p $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Company\ Name/Product\ Name/ # move and sync files from temporary payload to real plugin directory /usr/bin/rsync -avurpE --remove-source-files /Library/Application\ Support/Company\ Name/Product\ Name/ $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Company\ Name/Product\ Name/ # ensure permissions are recursively set to current user for plugin directory sudo find $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Company\ Name/ -type d -user root -exec sudo chown -R $USER: {} + # remove temporary folder find /Library/Application\ Support/Company\ Name/ -type d -empty -delete exit 0
Basically, the installer will copy the files in the 'HD/Library/etc...' folder and the script will move them to the user appData folder.
This is not my work : the original script was posted by @dustbro, in this thread.
@Lindon On windows I'm using this script :
[Setup] #define AppName "Product Name" #define AppVersion "1.0.0" #define DevDir "Company Name" PrivilegesRequired=admin AppName={#AppName} AppVersion={#AppVersion} DefaultDirName={pf}\{#DevDir}\{#AppName} DefaultGroupName={#AppName} Compression=lzma2 SolidCompression=yes OutputDir=.\installerbuild ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 OutputBaseFilename={#AppName} Setup ; BANNER DisableWelcomePage=no DisableDirPage=yes DisableProgramGroupPage=yes SetupLogging=yes ChangesAssociations=no [Types] Name: "full"; Description: "Full installation" [Dirs] Name: "{app}\"; Permissions: users-modify powerusers-modify admins-modify system-modify Name: "{userappdata}\{#DevDir}\{#AppName}\"; Permissions: users-modify powerusers-modify admins-modify system-modify [Components] Name: "vst3_64"; Description: "{#AppName} {#AppVersion} VST3 Plugin"; Types: full; Check: Is64BitInstallMode; Name: "AudioFiles"; Description: "{#AppName} AudioFiles"; Types: full; [Files] ; VST Source: "Binaries\Compiled\VST3\{#AppName}.vst3"; DestDir: "{code:GetVST3Dir_64}\{#DevDir}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: vst3_64; Check: Is64BitInstallMode ; SAMPLES Source: "AudioFiles\*"; DestDir: "{userappdata}\{#DevDir}\{#AppName}\AudioFiles"; Check: Is64BitInstallMode ; Use : Flags: recursesubdirs; if the AudioFiles folder contains other folders and files you want to include in the installer [Icons] Name: "{group}\Uninstall {#AppName}"; Filename: "{app}\Uninstall{#AppName}.exe" [Code] var OkToCopyLog : Boolean; VST3DirPage_64: TInputDirWizardPage; AppDataFolder: String; procedure InitializeWizard; begin if IsWin64 then begin VST3DirPage_64 := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectDir, 'Confirm 64-Bit VST2 Plugin Directory', '', 'Select the folder in which setup should install Le Skank VST3 plugin, then click Next.', False, ''); VST3DirPage_64.Add(''); VST3DirPage_64.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('{commoncf64}\VST3\'); end; end; function GetVST3Dir_64(Param: String): String; begin Result := VST3DirPage_64.Values[0] end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); begin if CurStep = ssDone then OkToCopyLog := True; end; procedure DeinitializeSetup(); begin if OkToCopyLog then FileCopy (ExpandConstant ('{log}'), ExpandConstant ('{app}\InstallationLogFile.log'), FALSE); RestartReplace (ExpandConstant ('{log}'), ''); end; [UninstallDelete] Type: files; Name: "{app}\InstallationLogFile.log"
(Note that I'm only offering VST3 plugins).
It works fine but I'm not an expert at Inno Setup, so anyone is welcome to correct me :)
Inspired by the original script by @orange, found in this thread.
@Matt_SF thanks Mat - I will take a run at it...