Inno Setup Template for Multiple Locations and User Destination
Hi all, would someone mind sharing their Inno Setup template for their HISE plugins? Our installer is working fine, but our users frequently ask for the ability to choose a different location for the .dll files. I'm basically looking for a version where the user can select the destination for just the .dll but the installer will put the other files in their default locations (i.e. AppData, Standalone, etc).
@Casey-Kolb This includes
- VST2 - Selectable Folder
- VST3/AAX - Standard Folders
[Setup] AppID={{----YOUR APP ID------} AppName= ----YOUR APP NAME------ AppVersion= ----YOUR APP VERSION------ AppPublisher= ----YOUR COMPANY NAME------ AppPublisherURL= AppSupportURL= AppUpdatesURL= DefaultDirName={pf}\YOURCOMPANY\ProductName DisableDirPage=true DefaultGroupName= LicenseFile= OutputDir=..\ OutputBaseFilename= SetupIconFile= Compression=none SolidCompression=true WizardImageFile= WizardImageBackColor=clWhite WizardImageStretch=false UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\nletter_icon.ico InternalCompressLevel=max DisableStartupPrompt=false ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 SetupLogging=true [Types] Name: full; Description: Full installation Name: custom; Description: Custom installation; Flags: iscustom [Components] Name: vst2_32; Description: 32-bit VST Plugin (.dll); Types: full custom Name: vst2_64; Description: 64-bit VST Plugin (.dll); Types: full custom; Check: Is64BitInstallMode Name: "VST3"; Description: "32-bit VST3"; Types: full custom; Name: "VST364"; Description: "64-bit VST3"; Types: full custom; Check: Is64BitInstallMode Name: aax_32; Description: 32-bit AAX Plugin (.aaxplugin); Types: full custom Name: aax_64; Description: 64-bit AAX Plugin (.aaxplugin); Types: full custom; Check: Is64BitInstallMode Name: manual; Description: User guide; Types: full custom; Flags: fixed [Files] Source: ..\Heater\v1.3.5\Windows\Heater x86.dll; DestDir: {code:GetVST2Dir_32}; Check: not Is64BitInstallMode; Components: vst2_32; Flags: ignoreversion Source: ..\Heater\v1.3.5\Windows\Heater x86.dll; DestDir: {code:GetVST2Dir_32}; Check: Is64BitInstallMode; Components: vst2_32; Flags: ignoreversion Source: ..\Heater\v1.3.5\Windows\Heater x64.dll; DestDir: {code:GetVST2Dir_64}; Check: Is64BitInstallMode; Components: vst2_64; Flags: ignoreversion Source: ..\Heater\v1.3.5\Windows\Heater x64.vst3; DestDir: "{cf64}\VST3\"; Components: VST364; Flags: ignoreversion Source: ..\Heater\v1.3.5\Windows\Heater x86.vst3; DestDir: "{cf32}\VST3\"; Components: VST3; Flags: ignoreversion Source: ..\Heater\v1.3.5\Windows\Heater x86.aaxplugin\*.*; DestDir: {cf32}\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\NoiseAsh Audio\Heater x86.aaxplugin\; Components: aax_32; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs Source: ..\Heater\v1.3.5\Windows\Heater x64.aaxplugin\*.*; DestDir: {cf}\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\NoiseAsh Audio\Heater x64.aaxplugin\; Components: aax_64; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs Source: ..\Heater\v1.3.5\Heater - User Manual & Licensing Agreement.pdf; DestDir: "{app}\Documentation"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs Source: additional files\nletter_icon.ico; DestDir: {app} [Icons] Name: {group}\Changelog; Filename: {app}\changelog.txt Name: {group}\Uninstall Palmary Heater; Filename: {app}\unins000.exe [Code] var OkToCopyLog : Boolean; VST2DirPage_32: TInputDirWizardPage; VST2DirPage_64: TInputDirWizardPage; procedure InitializeWizard; begin if IsWin64 then begin VST2DirPage_64 := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectDir, 'Confirm 64-Bit VST Plugin Directory', '', 'Select the folder in which setup should install the 64-bit VST Plugin, then click Next.', False, ''); VST2DirPage_64.Add(''); VST2DirPage_64.Values[0] := 'C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\YOURCOMPANY'; VST2DirPage_32 := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectDir, 'Confirm 32-Bit VST Plugin Directory', '', 'Select the folder in which setup should install the 32-bit VST Plugin, then click Next.', False, ''); VST2DirPage_32.Add(''); VST2DirPage_32.Values[0] := 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins\YOURCOMPANY'; end else begin VST2DirPage_32 := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectDir, 'Confirm 32-Bit VST Plugin Directory', '', 'Select the folder in which setup should install the 32-bit VST Plugin, then click Next.', False, ''); VST2DirPage_32.Add(''); VST2DirPage_32.Values[0] := 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins\YOURCOMPANY'; end; end; function GetVST2Dir_32(Param: String): String; begin Result := VST2DirPage_32.Values[0] end; function GetVST2Dir_64(Param: String): String; begin Result := VST2DirPage_64.Values[0] end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); begin if CurStep = ssDone then OkToCopyLog := True; end; procedure DeinitializeSetup(); begin if OkToCopyLog then FileCopy (ExpandConstant ('{log}'), ExpandConstant ('{app}\InstallationLogFile.log'), FALSE); RestartReplace (ExpandConstant ('{log}'), ''); end; [UninstallDelete] Type: files; Name: {app}\InstallationLogFile.log
@orange Thank you!
@orange What's the norm with vsts on PC - VST2 you can have a custom folder but is VST3 a fixed location?
@DanH said in Inno Setup Template for Multiple Locations and User Destination:
@orange What's the norm with vsts on PC - VST2 you can have a custom folder but is VST3 a fixed location?
@d-healey thanks