Do I not understand the setLoadingCallback?
The setLoadingCallback seems to fire sometimes BEFORE all the loading has happened. I understood this to get called once all the loading has happened....
Here's the situation:
I have 16 samplers, all loading at the same time, they do so using a pretty simple callback in the text name of the sample map like this:
inline function onSampleNameControl(component, value) { //Load the Sample.. local pos = theSampleMapNames.indexOf(component); if(theSamplers[pos].getCurrentSampleMapId() != component.get("text")) { Console.print("..........................Loading Sampler " + pos + " - a sample map called..." + component.get("text")); theSamplers[pos].loadSampleMap(component.get("text")); Console.print("..........................progress for the loading is:" + (Engine.getPreloadProgress() * 100) + "%"); } };
So I think the above should write out the number of each sampler being loaded
I also have a setLoadingCallback like this :
CirclePanel.setLoadingCallback(function(isPreloading) { if(!isPreloading) { // so all the samplers should now be loaded.. Console.print("#### Preload has ended ######"); Console.print("progress for the loading is:" + (Engine.getPreloadProgress() * 100) + "%"); // every sampler should now be loaded.... for(lseg = 0; lseg<segmentData.length;lseg++) { Console.print("For sampler " + lseg); Console.print(" ----- the index is:" + segmentData[lseg].NoteInScale); Console.print(" ----- the start is:" + segmentData[lseg].SampleStart); Console.print(" ----- the end is:" + segmentData[lseg].SampleEnd); } //sampleLoadTimer.startTimer(1000); //}; }else{ Console.print("Starting to load something....."); }; }
So once we reach the point where everyone is loaded I should see a nice list of Sampler details...BUT...
I'm getting this in the Console:
Interface: Starting to load something..... Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 0 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_All I wanna Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 1 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_Badly Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 2 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_close to me Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 3 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_day dreamin Interface: #### Preload has ended ###### Interface: progress for the loading is:0.0% Interface: For sampler 0 Interface: ----- the index is:0.0 Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ----- the end is:58218 Interface: For sampler 1 Interface: ----- the index is:1.0 Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ----- the end is:132300 Interface: For sampler 2 Interface: ----- the index is:0 Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ----- the end is:22050 Interface: For sampler 3 Interface: ----- the index is:0.0 Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ----- the end is:132300 Interface: For sampler 4 Interface: ----- the index is:1.0 Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ----- the end is:132300 Interface: For sampler 5 Interface: ----- the index is:0.0 Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ----- the end is:132300 Interface: For sampler 6 Interface: ----- the index is:0.0 Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ----- the end is:132300 Interface: For sampler 7 Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ----- the index is:0.0 Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 4 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_hold you so tight Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ----- the end is:132300 Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 5 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_houhou Interface: For sampler 8 Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ----- the index is:0.0 Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 6 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_I like the way I feel Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ----- the end is:132300 Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 7 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_I want you so Interface: For sampler 9 Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ----- the index is:0.0 Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 8 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_just leavin Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ----- the end is:132300 Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 9 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_Me Up Interface: For sampler 10 Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ----- the index is:1.0 Interface: ..........................Loading Sampler 10 - a sample map called...Catchy Ocean_Out of time Interface: ----- the start is:0 Interface: ..........................progress for the loading is:91.66666666666666% Interface: ----- the end is:132300
As you can see it loads the first 4 Samplers (0 to 3) just fine - but then the setLoadingCallback kicks in - when it clearly shouldn't as theres more Samplers to load
What am I doing wrong?
@Lindon The loading callback triggers twice, when loading starts and when loading ends.
@d-healey precisely - its kicking in When it starts and again BEFORE its ended...
@Lindon I wonder if it retriggers for each sampler.
@d-healey then how in heavens name do I find out when every Sampler has been loaded?
@Lindon You could do a test, every time it says it's finished preloading you increment a variable, if the variables value == the number of samplers then all samplers are loaded. This test will also tell us if it does retrigger for every sampler or if there is an issue.
@d-healey nope cant do that - the setLoadCallback only executes once!! - already worked that out...
@Lindon Oh I just had a look through your Console output above. It could be what you're seeing is due to the loading callback running in an asynchronous background thread, so there is a lag between the values you're seeing and the actual state of the instrument.
@d-healey yes I need a callback that CORRECTLY tells me when the loading thread has actually finished - and I think that setLoadingCallback isnt doing that.
Perhaps it is telling me the truth - everything IS finished...but sadly when I assume this - and start setting the start and end positions for samples - it fails
@Lindon I think it is correct, because it's asynchronous it will always be behind, never ahead, so if it says loading has finished then loading must have finished.
@Christoph-Hart Any insight?
yes @Christoph-Hart any insights gratefully received.
@Lindon hmmm... it seems that the setPostCallback gets executed after all of these - perhaps I could use that...
@Lindon nope now this is executing BEFORE not after - wow nothing in here is consistent.
- topic:timeago-later,2 years
@Lindon Were you able to make any progress here? I'm having the same issue - and without the callback, everything fails, because my scripts begin processing the sample map before it's loaded. :(
@clevername27 said in Do I not understand the setLoadingCallback?:
@Lindon Were you able to make any progress here? I'm having the same issue - and without the callback, everything fails, because my scripts begin processing the sample map before it's loaded. :(
Well I think I got this to work - the product is out there - so I will try and take a look if I get time otherwise Christoph is you man here...
@Lindon Thanks - likewise appreciated.
@clevername27 getPreloadProgress() repeats itself from 0 to 1 and it doesn't return a sample map name, that's getPreloadMessage().
Panel's getLoadingCallback will return 1 of its preloading. While it will return 0 with the preload not yet finished (but rather at 90-something percent), you can query whether the preload has finished with a timer and if (getPreloadMessage() == ""). Start the timer in the loading callback with if (isPreloading == true)
- topic:timeago-later,4 months
@aaronventure Thank you!
@aaronventure On second thought, I can't follow what you're saying here. Could you pls explain it to me like I'm 5?? :)
@clevername27 what have you tried so far?