Midi Player and drag to DAW...almost There...Speed Buttons Success!
@d-healey of course I could not find it, I didn't look close enough
thanks David -
- If you load a midi and drag n drop to any daw it works like a charm...but if you load another midi after that(or try to drag n drop the same midi for second time) it does not work...I noticed that if you close the interface from the edit button of the daw and load again the instrument you can drag n drop again any loaded midi file...and that story goes on...Or if you try it from Hise plugin in any daw the same thing happens...you can drag n drop any loaded midi file but in order to drag again a second midi file you have to close and open again the (interface preview, or Hit compile and it works...and so on)
Did you find a solution to this issue?
@ulrik Just made a pull request that fixes the issue. The fix I've made isn't clean so this has to be reworked anyway. For now, it should work as expected for both drag in/out, but the externalDrag object of the LAF will always be true so is useless until a better solution is found.
@ustk Beautiful! :)
It's not in the develop code yet I guess? -
@ulrik I have fixed the
flag so it works now.
Just wait for the pull request to be merged or pick to your own branch from it -
@ustk It works great in a compiled plugin, thanks!
@DanH You can create your own midi sequence
https://docs.hise.audio/scripting/scripting-api/midiplayer/index.htmlIf that was what you asked for?
@ulrik yes I think so. Would be great to be able to write a sequence in a sliderpack and then drag it into DAW...
@DanH Nothing prevents you from doing it, all the tools are there, just find/make the combination you need (sliderpack, panel, direct recording…)