Shader Knobs
I am starting to dig into some of the options in Hise for using shaders.
Does anyone have any examples of 3d knobs they would be willing to share?
Anything to watch out for? If I manage to adapt any of the knobs from I will make sure to put the snippets here.
That's a basic HISE snippet that uses a Panel with a (very basic) slider drag logic.
HiseSnippet 1016.3ocsV81iaSCG1o2kwRfgXR6U7pn9BTp3VnkM1PBgnbs2AUr6VEc6z1ql743lXcN1QNN8nBNI9nwGI9F.+rSRStspxVknunp+9qe7O+3G24JIgVTHUHGuWrNmhb9D2EqE5zIoXl.MaJx4ScOCWnopfJWGuNGWTPiQNNG7SFGNdGhre96e3XLGKHzVWHzERFg9LVFS25c93egw4mhioufk0I6GOdFQJlH4xR.OG3NDkiIWgSnmiMo0yE4bmShYZoZgFqoEPNGKiWuHUdsnJ+KXErK4TiwHzBnQUtQSRY734M60BDx4v4s67Cp14Ov8LVLai+1IvmYCDzVQ2YfSucAoQe.PxoCjNrBR22cAQwx0sQL34icmIfCjkXXT2EJU4h58GG3NQBYHzQY3qnmp.iMUD9jgCOJ.9Zv246Ci6BcvJrJXNVP4iB99flJSn5Ixrbo.LB6WEt+sqofyhopEovAopSkDEEFEUtC6uvljsxplDUP0ygQq9WkkZlfFtrTPzLoHLYf+u66kDgyy4qqqu6ZbTfNkUXP1yjDL+XYoHtHb3.n2d92XVAelfCsLnokARQ0hZvlRxCIMaoifc.ujZWQHXgjSixU.pBq7Csr6Ra.8KErkRU1TrFG12lU+lt.YuoyQJZtY6EVAK.U6djZZcM7lf47KAJe3aAa6Vqc5clrrftI2MiO5Jnu1MDaYkQDgyHWQiG36Ad8rSuX.9Qw.87BCxgislYp01B5a76zhXENotdyY9Jnhyv5zHEVjPC2VK+xfNk9pfGFzZ85AAeUviLDvgQvWihLrPOuFrUzfhUV2VejTyBEG1jnAdvYcmS3ykZ5yEg1ct+M9AucnkK2Zr5YKGHYaKrQZRsqBCEkYWZHksDIShvc2aKHbm2OAAREIoShRwLAS+7bZs8oRdr4ht42uq7AplkA+5kyLbTihRsOHubpRyLvwYJcEHIWou34NkVbkVlayslZhb9HsM58ZTeLLODCV565VwBQ+1FU6+JY75VIb13TJKIsUr+OWN9ZVrNsqCf4Jutg+BP5ycmX3oEGE7yxUfTxWDLE3JILQB7Vw6nIBpwx3RNVeaIZyaQ0AfioaoKZz9DEL85tuU8AnaObm51uuP79tyYZR51wXusfQ3.7+CLV+Z28bOY4RJQ2BvCcO8U66Sa+GKekTeBHbnX.0w87xrEvi7DJr5BfPAM20omgDWYOzXal.KnhXqw+.epCNxX6TGbTSPTFlnjugTc4z7d5csd.LIr+8AO3+w.1AiP1KrPctfHDJCdZ+MDhY6+P3d01q4q2iZdzdTyi2iZ9l8nlmrG07z8nlucm0X9WU+XoVlUcc.bL+DqxkiyIBLvrrrPz+BfWv.7C
This is the shader code (Just paste this into the
file that is created when you load the snippet:// Shadertoy link: #define PI 3.14159 #define N 6. // this connects HISE and the slider position... uniform float value; const float r1 = 0.75; const float r2 = 1./r1; vec4 over( in vec4 a, in vec4 b ) { return mix(a, b, 1.-a.w); } float nCap(vec2 uv, float angle, float r) { float a = atan(uv.y, uv.x)+angle; float b = a/PI*N/2.+PI*r2*2.0; float f = fract(b); float l = length(uv); float d = sin(f*PI*r2) * step(f, r1); return (1.-d*0.12)*r-l; } float line( in vec2 p, in vec2 a, in vec2 b ) { vec2 pa = p-a, ba = b-a; float h = clamp( dot(pa,ba)/dot(ba,ba), 0.0, 1.0 ); return length( pa - ba*h ); } void main() { vec2 uv = (fragCoord-iResolution.xy*0.5)/-iResolution.y*3.0; float av = -2.6 + 2.35 * sin(value)*PI*5./6.; // angle value mat2 m = mat2(cos(av), sin(av), -sin(av), cos(av)); float a = atan(uv.y, uv.x); float l = length(uv); float g = -1. + smoothstep(.5, -.5, uv.y) * 2.; vec4 col = vec4(0.0); if(l < .96) { float d = .0; for(float q = 0. ; q < 11. ; q += 1.) { float aq = -PI*1./3.+q*PI*1./6.; mat2 m = mat2(cos(aq), sin(aq), -sin(aq), cos(aq)); d += smoothstep(.002, .001, line(uv, vec2(.0, .0), vec2(.88, .0)*m)-.012); } col = over(vec4(vec3(.8), d), col); // divs float h = smoothstep(.04, .08, 1.25 - distance(vec2(.0, -1.4), uv))*.2 + smoothstep(.40, .7, l)*.01; col = over(vec4(vec3(.04), smoothstep(.001, .3, .88 - distance(uv, vec2(.0, .1)))*.75), col); // shadow col = over(vec4(vec3(.04), smoothstep(.001, .04, .74 - l)), col); // bottom col = over(vec4(vec3(.13+g*.04), smoothstep(.001, .01, .71 - l)), col); // bottom solid col = over(vec4(vec3(.13), smoothstep(.02, .001, abs(.64 - l))), col); // bottom outline col = over(vec4(vec3(.04), smoothstep(0.001, 0.06, nCap(uv+vec2(.0, -.12), av, .64))*.7), col); // cap shadow col = over(vec4(vec3(.09), smoothstep(0.01, 0.02, nCap(uv, av, .64))), col); // cap edge col = over(vec4(vec3(.16)+g*.1+h, smoothstep(0.001, 0.01, nCap(uv, av, .61))), col); // cap solid col = over(vec4(vec3(.24), smoothstep(.001, .01, .46 - l)), col); // cap top col = over(vec4(vec3(.44 + pow(abs(sin(a)),10.)*(0.1+l*1.) + pow(abs(sin(a+1.4)),64.)*0.12 + abs(sin(l*32.)+.5)*.02 + g*.2 ), smoothstep(.001, .01, .44 - l)), col); // cap metal col = over(vec4(vec3(.34), smoothstep(.001, .01, .050 - distance(uv, vec2(.0, -.52)*m))), col); // value edge col = over(vec4(vec3(.97), smoothstep(.001, .01, .042 - distance(uv, vec2(.0, -.52)*m))), col); // value fill } += vec2(.004, .006); fragColor = col; fragColor.a *= pixelAlpha; }
Thank you.
This stuff is pretty amazing. I am finding it pretty easy to go from shadertoy examples to Hise.
@Christoph-Hart this snippet crash Hise here, what commit do I need to use this?
@ulrik Ok you have to have OpenGl enabled then it will not crash, but it gives me error, I guess it's not working for mac
@ulrik Hmm, it works here on my Macbook Air M1. What system are you using? macOS is super picky with OpenGL, but normally you can make it run on any hardware.
@ulrik it’s working well for me on Mojave.
@Christoph-Hart It works now :)
I didn't realise I had to delete the "void Main" function already created in the .glsl file -
@crd Yeah! Me too... But getting my head around shader code, in general, is nonetheless a bit of a challenge I find! 🤯