I'm looking for informations
I want to make a simple sample player with Hise : import sample shot/loop, play with some settings like enveloppe, enable/edit loop, glide/legato, time stretch, filters, Root note, etc
Is it possible?
If yes, is there some tutos about this kind of builds?
Time stretching isn't possible but all of the other stuff is. Tutorials are available here.
Take a look at the AudioLooper module, it contains almost everything you need (excluding timestretching)
ah yes !
i saw some other threads about this looper.
if i understand well it permit to "load" samples via the compiled UI synth/rompler, exactly as some commercial synths do when they say "you can import your own wavetable" ?
right ?if i understand well (again) you can use this "imported" sample as a sound source (waveform) or like old Fairlight/emulator (one sample with a root) played along the keyboard ?
if yes for all = powerful module !!!
(will try it later to have my own answers ;) )
Yes for all ;)
I have one more question : can we use Hise without coding (at least for a basic Instrument)?
By the way, the only tuto I have found is only about sample libraries, not for a sampler. I guess I could adapt this tuto if I have the knowledge, but... I don't :(
@dapi Realistically you will need some basic scripting knowledge, and you'll need to setup Visual Studio or xCode for compiling your plugins.
Ok thank you!