Unable to Compile AU for Mac
@nesta99 You tell me :)
@d-healey Ahaha ! Also Thinking to downgrade on Mojave. Friday I'll be home from work. That will be the day that I'll make this software "SURGERY" ahaha
Has anyone here compiled Hise on Big Sur?
@nesta99 nope
@nesta99 I think XCode 10.3 doesn't play along nicely with Big Sur. I've read on a forum that you can get it to work somehow... but it is all a bit shaky...
@vewilya i running 10.3 on big sur
@arminh Doesn't it bring up the following error?!?
@vewilya Are you using an M1 system?
@d-healey No. I just had to install Big Sur on my MacBook Air (nowhere near M1) the other day and quickly gave it a try. Which then led to that error message in XCode 10.3... No, I am normally working on my main machine a MacPro with OSX Catalina...
@vewilya Yes!!! That's what happened to me as well before
Downgrading to catalina now! -
@nesta99 Well... Apparently there seems to be a workaround. I've also read about it... But it seems fiddly and for plugin dev I guess you'd like to have as little fiddly as possible... So... Catalina works great for me so far... We'll see...
@vewilya some time ago I posted solution for this. Search my post by this file name and you should find .
@arminh will check now. thanks
@yall Hey man! concerning that I have my certificates on my other MacBook Pro. In other to make everything work. Should I take those cerificates and put them on my new , mac? or I just need to create a new one on this mac?
" I'm using Projucer v.6 and it works here"Hey man! Is your version of projucer still working to build hise and to compile all the plugins dveloped?
@nesta99 select your certificates and their keys and export them as .p12 (i believe this is the format). then reinstall them on the mac you want. never lose them (I had to wait 1 me before apple allows me to create another)
@yall Thanks man!!
Like this Right? -
@nesta99 select the certificate and key, and export. and then save it for example on your email
@nesta99 Yes, it's working fine here