My Components are gone help
@d-healey It is ok if i have Visual Studio 2019?
@Lorrislehorse I don't think so, pretty sure 2017 is the newest that will work, but you can try it and see.
@d-healey i'm gonna install 2017 to not break anything and be sure it works
I've finally build HISE 2.1 and now i'm running the standalone versioni have opened my project but i still can't see the Canvas
i t look like this, like there is no root in the component list
EDIT: i've made a new project and i can see the "root" in the component list
i guess i have broke something by using the project in hise 2.0 inside studi one and it seems importing it in HISE 2.1 didn't fixed it, thats my though might be wrong
@Lorrislehorse Have you tried File > Open Recent Archive ?
@Lorrislehorse - so nothing will show up if it bumps into an error before it renders... look in the console below your code...see all those lines in red - fix them:
It's looking for a component called "name", possibly even "name " given the output, use Find to locate the line where you are asking for this component...then fix it
The looking for a component with name error is weird because it's not showing the name of the component it's looking for.
Do you remember when you posted that snippet yesterday and I said you have a more interesting error, it couldn't find a component? Well I was loading your HISE 2.0 snippet into HISE 2.1
Now you've upgraded to HISE 2.1 and you're loading a HISE 2.0 project and getting similar errors. This leads me to believe there is a UI data incompatibility between the two HISE versions.
Probably the quickest solution is to rebuild your UI in the new version of HISE, you can reuse your existing script of course.
@d-healey yeah it looks like its looking for an unnamed component...theres a space there in the error message...
@d-healey Yep that's what i did, i've remade my UI in a new 2.1 project using my old script
i am having this problem just now with 2.1.0 the thing is i created the project in the same version = 2.1.0 the plugin
it's almost like it can't remeber the custom named components for example a ScriptButton renamed to just "button".
this seem to still be a problem any solution. Opening recent archives return the same problem -
@ospfeigrp Did you save your project as XML?
@d-healey yes i did using the old one not the one that says "not working"
@ospfeigrp Take your UI data xml and run it through an xml validator, you can also do the same with the project xml.
I use this one:'s a video demo (don't forget to subscribe ;) ) -
@d-healey no errors found ..hmm
this is obviously going to happen because it has no reference to the renaming in xml,if i leave the components as the default generated names it's saves fine. -
@ospfeigrp Which branch of HISE did you build?
@d-healey scriptnode this is the plugin version and have removed all older builds, it does actually have the naming convention in the ui xml and that seems to fail with errors
<Component type="ScriptButton" id="presetsbtn" x="889" y="18" width="30" height="30" filmstripImage="{PROJECT_FOLDER}presetsbtn.png" ="Enabled"/>
Are you building an FX plugin?
@d-healey no it's just the drum vsti i was working on. when i compiled HISE i left everything default
@ospfeigrp Use the standalone version of HISE.
@d-healey that will only give me 1 stereo channel out as far as i know, i need 16 stereo out. Thanks for all help i'll try setting up another project in the plugin version and see if i can reproduce it.