One Knob, two parameters?
I was wondering if it was possible to assign a knob to two parameters, that they have the same value ...
For example, I would like with a single knob to control right and left delay.
Thank you
Definitely possible via scripting
umm... you declare a knob and link it to the two parameters in the onControl callback
Yes, I understand. But since I compile the latest Hise with GitHub I no longer use the OnControl...
// const var Time = Content.addKnob("Time", 883, 735); // [JSON Time] Content.setPropertiesFromJSON("Time", { "width": 62, "height": 60, "min": 50, "max": 500, "processorId": "MasterDelay", "parameterId": "DelayTimeLeft", "filmstripImage": "{PROJECT_FOLDER}MO100.png", "numStrips": "101" });
But since I compile the latest Hise with GitHub I no longer use the OnControl...
Without giving answer to général question, just to say i'm like Alexaudio => the interface popup menu is really complete and powerful. So for now using it to link knobs, sliders, labels, etc. ... is very quick and easy.
but for some functions (not implemented in this popup menu) we must work with On"..." scripts.
@d.healey = i saw you made some tutorials videos. Maybe creating some vids explaining/ showing some useful scripts/codes we can use with OnControl. it would be really nice ;)
Yes, that's true. As long as you only control one parameter of a module with the exact value that the component spits out, you can use the new
processors. As soon as you want something more complex, you either have to add a custom control callback, or use theonControl
callback, but this is not rocket science.This is an explanation of how to do this:
How to control modules with scripts
A scripted interface for your instrument is pretty useless unless it can change the parameters or data of the modules in your patch. Basically there are two ...
Forum (
This is exactly the kind of articule I was looking for. Thank you
To answer the other question, I no longer use OnControl from the thread on the forum "the value on the label", or I understood, that Oncontrol posed problems as soon as we had parameters a little less basic. As well as using Script right now, anyway it works as well. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Someone can give me some tracks on how to put a knob on the delay time. Instead of having two knob for right and left.
I admit that I do not find how.
Thank you
Oh, I'm with the new version, if it can change some things (1.5.0)
HiseSnippet 1026.3ocuV0raaaDDdor2jZkpflf9.P3Sx.oBR1ooEHHvzVJpUv+DgHGidKXE4PqEZ4trjKsqRP.xwdqm6o9pzWgh7BzGg9Dz1YWRIRUK3ZUfFBHAMyryLe6re6m3vDkOjlpRHN26rYw.w4SoilI0S5NgwkjA8HN2mdBKUCIt4tNbVLKMEBHNNa7MFGNasIw97G6eHSvj9PoKB4bE2GNlGw0kdi8NhKD8YAvY7nJq9wdC7UxtJgJCwyFz1jXl+T1EvoLyxpQIWxgqRINso6saqjocF+lCZ8OdhTbzWH94nRmD+rjDPpOGSm3Pc9K7wg97.tVkLRyz.VyMOTELazD0Ux7VeNOkOV.FiNjQHlxc2WIBLadyuIcmvEACmOBSIXUFVNP2Hef94zS3A7E9KGrelMfaYFUGsN0tI304+H7bp.uMyg2Cni7S3w5xHFrcO5.IdlGxvSypvJesjZ+lCsqBWgT2JhME5mfFKxn4SZ29Qt61t8NOsQ8F0wyzTs6krD2dffMy8YtVFVqK.8yCCAecyssA1Ne4bofKA2vLoulqjtJ4QR03Nl1knDM8UQwJI13GgkTjA6zn9aaTeKaEZkB5Cz5D93LMzL2k8aCO6XHbQNO8VkwK4WLoZJuyhu46aD9cmiklaaw316XpWAR6xDhwH+s4xa.Sgpr2NUogWHatS82Veq5u6ZQBCWUnhRIfjUE0.8jaHslxrnwPx7MVw5PBwxLt6b6Xb94iiJKTIGH45WDCE1kbxNqfSRJlmF1YA.wkpsby6WvMGI3APBgiE4tT6vjXwdozwO6Qd0fdLMadYvJhcIFRzbylwoGbIJDkS42h1CRmpUw10VbDRbZ7u1zeXQC+0gdyVX79C7thGnmXjVdOZOALDGiEdIjjpmYlZ2wVCRDOHP.CUobyghoD+oQMZ+exC0XiGweCTUPMhU1RuewKMKLjidnT2nTRHWDkhT23AQnFIw4gzWkBtAPHKSncSmhxLQp.aqs5rjqe4GkfTAYBldYcIitdQ.CHqJ.XtjKQvOqJLWCwp1qTrZkDiaIbe.cHW6OY03s1JvKRQ9+FuER+Mn4BbkfcSZ+u6irNew+qeWpUWyhh4+tJPVRmr5EqkkCqFoO.AFEtJY3s2deX+49qlfMvwpqFhMreB78KpyO9AuukeMujddmvK49jee+y.7hJ9GG9KcPtwxSuMtcSuUb38RUllKu3DFdgxbC6zrnQ3qg3C3YmTBhTy04ZF4pb61FaCDFAxf1yeohhfcL1NEA6LO3GkdDw7STu1OWH0PE9DqGbeKsuD0V3ayg1tKTPMyCTTh+ZeeC87KPp8pyX20Ni8V6Ld7ZmwWt1Y7j0NiuZsy3qugLLuz2AYZUTtXEg72vzlQxm
Great, that's exactly what I wanted. Sometimes having an example is the best way to learn.
P.S. Did you receive my messages? I have not received any complaints? (I am sending you on the email box)