scriptnode code fail to build
on macOS
Apple Mach-O Linker (ld) Error Group clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
duplicate symbol __ZN4hise16HiseColourScheme28createAlertWindowLookAndFeelEPv in: /Users/ulrikboden/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/HISE_Standalone-hhqorfltikaidzcoobewkrhykknj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/HISE Standalone - /Users/ulrikboden/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/HISE_Standalone-hhqorfltikaidzcoobewkrhykknj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/HISE Standalone - ld: 1 duplicate symbol for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Showing Recent Issues clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Ahhh, my human Travis CI strikes again ;)
@Christoph-Hart I saw you just made a commit for script node, did you fix the build failure on macOS?
Just tried to build the newest ScriptNode as HISE Stand Alone and it did manage to build ok. Just the usual warnings, but no errors. (I'm running on Mojave and Xcode 11.1). Unless I'm accidantely cashing some older Script Node (I don't think that I'm) it should work fine on the newest commit as far as I can see. Are you changing in Projucer to 64 bit? Building the 32/64 bit version will result in errors (at least on Mojave and Xcode 10+) You might need to check that setting in your Xcode Scheme as well (I had this issue on High Sierra before)PS I'm just talking about the standard Projucer Release Preset. Not without any Preprocessor definitions, Plist definitions or Xcode Flags
@VHO ok, I'm running on Mojave too but I have Xcode 10.1, maybe that's the problem?
Last time I updated Xcode nothing worked so I am a little nervous to update it... -
@VHO oh, and yes I'm changing the setting in Projucer to 64bit, and I have ipp enabled
I actually had few issues on Xcode 10 while on Mojave 10.14.6 and I found the Xcode 11.1 pretty stable ( but keep in mind I use it only for HISE and HISE related projects, so I can not speak for other projects you might be developing )
@VHO Ok, good to know. I will try with Xcode 11, thank you!
@VHO I tried using Xcode 11.1 but it fails anyway, this
Apple Mach-O Linker (ld) Error Group : "_ippiFilterGaussianGetBufferSize", referenced from: : "_ippiFilterGaussianInit", referenced from: : "_ippiFilterGaussianBorder_8u_C3R", referenced from: : Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Not really sure. Are you sure that you are compiling the newest script node? not caching older version?
Unless it is what I'm doing and hence my compile works. Sorry that I can't be more help :/
I'm getting the same error on Linux Mint. I'm going to build without IPP for now (I think that will get rid of the error).
Nope, didn't fix it. I'll keep looking for a solution
I found a solution. Build an earlier commit :)
This one works -
@VHO yes I'm sure I'm using the latest code
Hmm, the IPP function for the gaussian blur is somehow not included in the macOS libraries. I've deactivated it for now for macOS until I get an idea why this happens.
@Christoph-Hart ok, I will try it tomorrow
, thank you!
@Christoph-Hart yes that was it, now it builds fine, thank you!
@ulrik said in scriptnode code fail to build:
@VHO yes I'm sure I'm using the latest code
Sorry it was me who was accidentally using old cached build hence it was building for me earlier. I'm still getting used to Xcode (used be on Visual before on PC) and the way Xcode caches projects is still annoyingly confusing to me. Getting the handle on it slowly. Sorry to take up your time with false info
@VHO No problems