Help Me Exporting Impulse Response on plug-in
I'm testing of a rompler, I'm using the IR feature, but this feature isn't include in the VST version. What step am I missing to include the IR in the "final" version of the plugin? The WAV file is located in the /AudioFiles/IR Cabinet.wav folder.
@Mighty23 Did you check the box in HISE preferences to embed audio files?
@d-healey like this?
@Mighty23 Are you using the IR in the convo FX section tree? - i have had success using this line of code added and name the eq
Engine.addModuleStateToUserPreset("YOUR EQNAME");
If you are in Scriptnode there is a little box next to the IR window... select embedded.
These have worked for me.
Did you load it into the pool?
You need to do this in on init.
@d-healey Thank you, you always come through for me.
@WaterSpoon Ah, in this project I'm not using the convolver from Script Node, but I appreciate the suggestion nonetheless. I have other projects where I'll definitely need it, so I'll keep that in mind. Thank you!
@Mighty23 Ditto to that Thanks David for all you do!!! Cheers and best success with your project!!!!