@tomekbruml thank you for the quick response! Much appreciated.
RE: Javascript Libraries into HISE
Javascript Libraries into HISE
Is there a way to implement JavaScript libraries into HISE? I am particularly interested in GUI E.g. React
RE: Beginner Questions - Create Custom Callback
@ustk Thankyou! I am surprised then that a space is included when creating custom callback from selection.
Beginner Questions - Create Custom Callback
Hi there, I am very new to both scripting and HISE.
I have been working my way through the documentation and have been following along with the PhaseWizard tutorial project.
Ive been getting along fine so far and really enjoying it.However I did get stuck for a long time on the section creating custom callbacks for the combo box's
When I right clicked on the combobox, pasted into [onInit] and filled in the custom logic as follows:
WaveformGenerator.setAttribute(WaveformGenerator.WaveForm1, value);I got an error message in the console.
the callback pasted the following:
inline function onOSC1 WaveControl(component, value)
//Add your custom logic here...
};Content.getComponent("OSC1 Wave").setControlCallback(onOSC1 WaveControl);
I eventually found that the issue was the space between onOSC1 and WaveControl(component, value). Was this an error on my part or an issue with the way I copied the callback func to my clipboard or something else?
Thanks, Tom