I just came across this wonderful project. First off all congratulations.
But I have to respond to this issue.
Your first assumption unfortunately is wrong! I have a LinnStrument as a MIDI controller which has several keys for the same note. I create Max/MSP patches as well. Both have to rely on a way to play multiple notes on the same note value. It is not only unavoidable, it makes a lot of musical sense...
The only problem to face is, which of the events to switch off on a note off event. Easiest solution - switch off the oldest...
On the other hand, as I mentioned the LinnStrument (same applies to Roli Seaboard and Block) I would love to see native MPE support. That is what I am really after... In this case the multiple same notes have simply different MIDI channels, and thus its easy to know which note to switch off...
Off course the outlined scripts could be abused for that functionality somehow. But, why differentiating between artificial and real notes at all? In the end, All notes which have been switched on, need to be switched off anyway at a certain point...
RE: Note Off by ID doesn't work on same note