Congratulations Bro!!

Best posts made by T.B.Guang
RE: Hi Brothers, Is there a way to be able to Double+Click and Enter value for a knob? Is this a HISE Feature?
@d-healey Thank you David Healey, I learn a lot from your YouTube channel.
I share some iMPULSE RESPOND
Past To Future Reverbs (iMPULSE RESPOND)
Unzip pw: 6761-HJRF-2420-AKAU-2776$
Latest posts made by T.B.Guang
Channel Amount Mismatch
I got this error when i converted sample files to monolith. I am using HISE v4.1.0 (old version, it's no problem). Thanks for help! -
I share some iMPULSE RESPOND
Past To Future Reverbs (iMPULSE RESPOND)
Unzip pw: 6761-HJRF-2420-AKAU-2776$ -
RE: It is possible hide/show Preset Browse vi a button?
@T-B-Guang I Solved!, I use a panel and button.
It is possible hide/show Preset Browse vi a button?
I have a question:
It is possible hide/show Preset Browse vi a button?
Thank for your help! -
RE: My project was crashed by Vu Meter Script
@ustk This work like a charm, Thank Bro again!
My project was crashed by Vu Meter Script
Any suggestion for this, please help! My project was crashed by Vu Meter Script, eveything compile OK, but just a few thousand year later, it was crashed.
const var LevelMeterL = Content.getComponent("LevelMeterL"); const var LevelMeterR = Content.getComponent("LevelMeterR"); const var LevelMeterLock = Content.getComponent("LevelMeterLock"); // show values as well, via label with whole integer db values. const var Label_MeterValue = Content.getComponent("Label_MeterValue"); // the peak of the strongest channel. const var Label_MeterValue_L = Content.getComponent("Label_MeterValue_L"); const var Label_MeterValue_R = Content.getComponent("Label_MeterValue_R"); // ------------ const var knbPan = Content.getComponent("knbPan"); const var SimpleGain = Synth.getEffect("Simple Gain"); //Decay Rate const var DECAY_RATE = 0.93; //Current Values var curLevelL = 0.0; var curLevelR = 0.0; var curLevelM = 0.0; //Timer Callback const var t = Engine.createTimerObject(); t.setTimerCallback(function() { //Synth Values var LevelL = SimpleGain.getCurrentLevel(1); var LevelR = SimpleGain.getCurrentLevel(0); //Peak Synth Values var peakLevelL = Math.max(LevelL, LevelL); var peakLevelR = Math.max(LevelR, LevelR); var peakLevelMax = Math.max(LevelL, LevelR); //Kick Left //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (peakLevelL > curLevelL) { curLevelL = peakLevelL; } else { curLevelL *= DECAY_RATE; } //Kick Right //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (peakLevelR > curLevelR) { curLevelR = peakLevelR; } else { curLevelR *= DECAY_RATE; } //Kick Max peak for mono out or label with max peak for strongest channel. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (peakLevelMax > curLevelM) { curLevelM = peakLevelMax; } else { curLevelM *= DECAY_RATE; } //Decibel Conversion //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LevelL = Engine.getDecibelsForGainFactor(curLevelL); LevelR = Engine.getDecibelsForGainFactor(curLevelR); var LevelMax = Engine.getDecibelsForGainFactor(curLevelM); //Set Values //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LevelMeterL.setValue(LevelL); LevelMeterR.setValue(LevelR); Label_MeterValue.set("text", (LevelMax >= -99) ? Math.round(LevelMax) : -100); // use Math.round (round up) for all except minimum value, -100. Label_MeterValue_L.set("text", (LevelL >= -99) ? Math.round(LevelL) : -100); // use Math.round (round up) for all except minimum value, -100. Label_MeterValue_R.set("text", (LevelR >= -99) ? Math.round(LevelR) : -100); // use Math.round (round up) for all except minimum value, -100. }); t.startTimer(30);
Is is possible rename the display name on combo box?
Is is possible rename the display name on combo box?
My stituation, it display like this: "ROJECT_FOLDER}LargeHall_IR"
I try to change this but not success :)) Thank for help!//masterIRReverb const masterIRReverb = Synth.getAudioSampleProcessor("masterIRReverb"); // Pool audio files const audioFiles = Engine.loadAudioFilesIntoPool(); // Get a list of irs const var irs = []; for (a in audioFiles) { if (a.indexOf("ir/")) //Impulse responses will be in ir folder { var ir = a.substring(a.indexOf("ir/") + 3, a.lastIndexOf(".")); irs.push(ir); } } // cmbIR const var cmbIR = Content.getComponent("cmbIR"); cmbIR.set("items", irs.join("\n")); // Populate dropdown inline function oncmbIRControl(component, value) { local filename = component.getItemText(); loadIR(filename); }; Content.getComponent("cmbIR").setControlCallback(oncmbIRControl); //Load Detail imPulse File// inline function loadIR(filename) { masterIRReverb.setFile("{PROJECT_FOLDER}LargeHall_IR.wav"); masterIRReverb.setFile("{PROJECT_FOLDER}MediumStringHall_IR.wav"); }