@d-healey Thanks David..... Flushed with success I'm downloading the tutorials now to dig deeper....
Best posts made by Sympol
RE: Multiple errors compiling HISE 2.0
RE: How to save a project mid-term so it can be opened later and continued?
I may have found the answer!
Just tried again, starting from scratch as far as saving as a preset, but then this time instead of loading the project (step 2 in the reload as work in progress section) after restarting HISE, I simply opened the .hip file without doing anything else, and there was my project as I had left it, with working sound from mouse and midi keyboard.
It seems that the 'Load Project' option under Files is not necessary and indeed stuffs up the sound from the project - all that is required is to load the .hip preset file.....
It takes a while to get used to the terminology used - I had assumed that loading a project would re-load a previously closed project in the state that it was when closed, but obviously not so. So really the preset is a backup of the project at a certain state and if I want to go back to a selected point in the project development, as long as I have saved a preset at that point (with a suitable name) I just need to load that particular preset.
Now I'll continue with the tutorial, saving a preset at various stages and see what happens when I restore from each.....
Latest posts made by Sympol
RE: Multiple errors compiling HISE 2.0
@d-healey Thanks David..... Flushed with success I'm downloading the tutorials now to dig deeper....
RE: Multiple errors compiling HISE 2.0
Thanks, downloaded and compiled OK. I noticed there are new versions of both AsioSDK and VST SDK available - is it worth using these or should I just quit while I'm ahead :)
RE: Multiple errors compiling HISE 2.0
@d-healey Thanks, downloading now.....
Multiple errors compiling HISE 2.0
Hi, I've been struggling with this for over 2 days now and have no hair left. I've followed all the steps in the 'Building HISE on Windows 10' video on Youtube. I'm using Windows 10 Pro, Visual Studio 2017 and have installed the w_ipp_2019.4.245.exe file as discussed in that video. When I run the projucer, I get a message about a new version of JUCE, but I've ignored this and run the version with HISE.
Trying to build the standalone HISE app, release, x64 as in the video, but getting multiple errors (1147 errors and 74 warnings) before the compiler crashes with too many errors.
Is there something I'm missing here? IPP has installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools with a number of subdirectories 'compilers and libraries', compilers and libraries 2019 and compilers and libraries 2019.4.245
When I look at the Intel site it tells me:
After installing Intel IPP, set the PATH, LIB and INCLUDE
environment variables by running the script appropriate to your target platform architecture. The scripts are available in \env
By default, the
is C:\Program files (x86)\Intel\oneapi
Configure Your IDE Environment to Link with Intel IPP
To configure your Microsoft* Visual Studio* development system for linking with the Intel IPP library, follow the steps below. Though some versions of the Visual Studio* IDE may vary slightly in the menu items mentioned below, the fundamental configuring steps are applicable to all these versions.In Solution Explorer, right-click your project and click Properties
Select Configuration Properties
> VC++ Directories
and set the following from the Select directories for drop down menu:
Include Files menu item, and then type in the directory for the Intel IPP include files (default is <install_dir>\include
Library Files menu item, and then type in the directory for the Intel IPP library files (default is <install_dir> \lib<arch>
Executable Files menu item, and then type in the directory for the Intel IPP executable files (default is <install_dir>\redist<arch>
The values for the include files directories and the library files directories are correct as above, but there is no mention of ipp in the executable files directories
Any help would be appreciated. I realise I can just download the compiled version of HISE 2.0 but would really like to solve this....
Thankyou...... -
RE: Using wav files as samples
Thanks Christoph - didn't expect you to produce this tutorial so quickly :)
I'm a bit tied up for the next couple of days stacking firewood for the coming winter, but as soon as I get a chance I'll go through the tutorial and do some experimenting.....
Thanks again! -
RE: Using wav files as samples
Thanks again Christoph - thought there would be a way of doing it. I now have 3 sets of samples from selected organ stops, but would appreciate some advice as to how to call each SampleMap from a user interface, but don't get distracted by this - you have better ways to spend your time, I'm sure :)
RE: Using wav files as samples
Thankyou very much! Appreciate you taking the time to answer my dumb questions...
Have now renamed the files to PedalOrgan_C3_0_127.wav and so on and successfully imported them into the sample map in HISE, so now I know how to do that.....
The next step is to add some effects etc. as in the tutorial and maybe create a simple user interface whereby I could add some controlled reverb, also as in the tutorial....
Obviously I only have recorded a single octave at this stage for testing - each wav file has to be cleaned up to remove extraneous noises such as clicks and wheezes from the pedals and bellows but I'm well on the way now....
Ideally I would like to create a user interface (for my own use only) whereby I could add in the various stops from the organ (its a very ancient one and has stops for such effects as 'Vox Humana', 'Bass Coupler', 'Treble Coupler' etc.....)
I presume I will need to record each note in turn with these stops applied, which will lead to a pretty large number of samples.... Without delving into specifics (which I'll need to do at a later stage) is it possible to select which set of samples (eg relating to a specific organ stop) are played through the user interface? In other words, use an interface control to select a specific set of wav files?
Many thanks again for your time and patience.... -
Using wav files as samples
As you may have gathered from my previous questions, this is all very new to me!
Completed the tutorial and now want to move on to try supplying my own sample wav files instead of the Music Box samples as a test. I have an old pedal organ, from which I have recorded a series of individual notes as separate wave files, with names such as Organ_C.wav, Organ_Csharp.wav and so on for a total of 12 individual files over an octave.
I have created a new test project and copied these wav files into the samples folder and then tried to import them into the HISE sampler in the same manner that the Music Box samples were added in the tutorial. But the results are garbage!
Is there a particular naming convention I should be using for each file?
I followed through the Youtube video suggested in another post about rendering samples using Reaper, but the end result of that video seemed to be a series of wav files similar to my own.
When I import my wav files into my test project they sound very much like the music box samples and not at all like the originally recorded wav files from the pedal organ.....
Does anyone have any clues which could help me over this hurdle please?
Thanks..... -
RE: How to save a project mid-term so it can be opened later and continued?
I may have found the answer!
Just tried again, starting from scratch as far as saving as a preset, but then this time instead of loading the project (step 2 in the reload as work in progress section) after restarting HISE, I simply opened the .hip file without doing anything else, and there was my project as I had left it, with working sound from mouse and midi keyboard.
It seems that the 'Load Project' option under Files is not necessary and indeed stuffs up the sound from the project - all that is required is to load the .hip preset file.....
It takes a while to get used to the terminology used - I had assumed that loading a project would re-load a previously closed project in the state that it was when closed, but obviously not so. So really the preset is a backup of the project at a certain state and if I want to go back to a selected point in the project development, as long as I have saved a preset at that point (with a suitable name) I just need to load that particular preset.
Now I'll continue with the tutorial, saving a preset at various stages and see what happens when I restore from each..... -
RE: How to save a project mid-term so it can be opened later and continued?
Hi and thanks for responding. yes, I've downloaded and watched your video a number of times, but I still have the problem of no sound when I re-open my preset file....
These are the steps I've taken again today:- Open HISE
- Create new project folder (Organ) version 1.0.0
- Copy MusicBox samples into Samples folder under Organ project
- Master Chain, click ’+’ and select ’Sampler’
- Switch to dedicated Sampler workspace view.
- Double-click Samples folder, select all and drag to Sample map editing area.
- Select File Token Parser, click OK and set Tokens to:
Single Key
Low Velocity
High Velocity - Fix mapping – lassoo all samples and click Close vertical gaps; Move selection up 2 octaves..
- Export as HLAC Monolith, named OrganMap, low file size….
- At this stage have sound from using both midi keyboard or on screen keyboard (using mouse).
Now wish to save this in its working state, so:
- Save file as xml backup (OrganBackup.xml) in XmlPresetBackups folder
- Cancel on next two boxes.. ( )
- File → Save → OrganBackup preset.
- Now have the following extra files:
OrganMap.ch1 in ’Samples’ folder in addition to the MusicBox samples copied in earlier
OrganMap.xml in ’SampleMaps’ folder
OrganBackup.hip in ’Presets’ folder (together with a series of Autosave_n.hip files)
OrganBackup.xml in ’XmlPresetBackups’ folder - File → Close Project. ’The current preset will be discarded’ - click OK as already saved preset
- Close HISE
Now try to reload as a work in progress project…..
- Open HISE
- Load Project (Organ) – nothing appears…..
- Open xml backup – select OrganBackup.xml from XmlPresetsBackup folder, nothing happens…..
- Open file OrganBackup.hip from Presets folder – shows the samples in the Map Editor in the Sampler – but no sound from either midi keyboard or by using mouse on the on-screen keyboard….
- Checked Audio device settings from ’View’ Menu. All seems to be correct and sound produced when the ’Test’ button is pressed.
There must be some simple mistake I am making that is killing the output after I have loaded in the .hip file but for the life of me I cannot find what that is...
Any help from anyone would be wonderful - at this stage I'm simply going around in circles. If I'm unable to reload a working project I may as well give up, which would be a shame after all the effort that has gone in to building HISE - not to mention all the hours I've wasted trying to solve what is surely a very basic problem....