Great thanks.
Thanks for your help, hopefully I get it it to make sound now:)
Great thanks.
Thanks for your help, hopefully I get it it to make sound now:)
OK so this is the user version, I dont see a keyboard.
OK I found that this is was in the release folder, it looks different?
Hmm, sorry where is the profiler, all I see in producer is HISE Standalone in projucer?
Or is it in Xcode?
OK I followed all the steps in your post and it said build succeeded and I see this, is this correct?
Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 19.14.14.png
OK I see.
Thanks for that. I will try and compile the newest version.
Will have to try and find out what that is.
Could I ask if there will be a new package to download in the future, are you interested in a wider audio community (not developers but sound designers etc) trying this out?
Sorry I am not a developer, so just want to use the application, would take me ages to figure out all the JUCE stuff. Is there a more recent build, or should I just park the idea of learning this app, do I need to learn code?
Oh I just downloaded the package 2.0.0 from Git.
Version 1.6.0
Yes got it thanks for that,
Master branch, no idea, I will start again now I can see the thing.
Thanks for getting back to me, but you see it will not open so I can see the rezize handles?
Is there a way to make it open smaller in size initially?
Eh, how do I attach a screengrab, wow I am having a tech challenged day!
Hello, I am new here and just trying out HISE. But when I open it, it goes beyond my screen on Macbook 13'', I cannot seem to be able to adjust this, so missing lots of controls?
Any help?
Thank you.