@d-healey heyyy, that worked! Standalone is running!
Thanks a lot David!
- and also thanks for all the tutorials you created - I'll probably need some of them for sure ;D
@d-healey heyyy, that worked! Standalone is running!
Thanks a lot David!
@d-healey heyyy, that worked! Standalone is running!
Thanks a lot David!
hi guys,
well - I am new in HISE and just trying to install the latest github version (under WIN 10). Problem is: although I set "USE_IPP -> disabled" in the core properties I get several error messages that 'ipp.h' cannot be included:
E1696 cannot open source file "ipp.h" HISE Standalone_App C:\Users\user\Desktop\MUCKE\HISE-master\HISE-master\hi_tools\hi_tools.h 126
Also some more errors like this:
E0020 identifier "Ipp8u" is undefined HISE Standalone_App C:\Users\user\Desktop\MUCKE\HISE-master\HISE-master\hi_tools\hi_tools\IppFFT.h 142
and this also:
E0020 identifier "IppsFFTSpec_R_32f" is undefined HISE Standalone_App C:\Users\user\Desktop\MUCKE\HISE-master\HISE-master\hi_tools\hi_tools\IppFFT.h 170
Any ideas on this? That would be great!
thx and greetings, rob