@Lunacy-Audio I just rebuilt HISE and now it works! Thanks so much for your help and effort!
RE: noteOff() / noteOffByEventId()
noteOff() / noteOffByEventId()
I am working on a script that retriggers all currently pressed keys when another key is pressed. I created an object which stores if a certain keynumber is pressed or not. When I print to the console I get the keynumbers just as I want. Retriggering works fine, but when I let go a key, it doesn't stop the note with the Synth.noteOff() function, it says in the console that I should use Synth.noteOffByEventId() instead. But when I get the EventId in onNoteOff and insert it in the function, it also doesn't work right. It seems to look for the same ID in the onNoteOn. How do I have to treat the Synth.noteOffByEventId() in this case?
//On Init //Storing the current key status for the key range const var a = {} for (i = 53; i < 97; i++) { a[i] = 0; } function onNoteOn() { const var n = Message.getNoteNumber(); a[n] = Synth.isKeyDown(n); for (k in a) { if (a[k] == 1) { Synth.playNote(k, 1); } } } function onNoteOff() { const var n = Message.getNoteNumber(); const var e = Message.getEventId(); a[n] = Synth.isKeyDown(n); for (k in a) { if (a[k] == 0) { Synth.noteOffByEventId(e); } } }