lol I feel like no one is actually reading or understanding my question :)
RE: Quickly map individual samples to multiple octaves
RE: Quickly map individual samples to multiple octaves
But then I have a bunch of overlapping samples.
I dont want to map one sample across the keyboard chromatically, I want to map it to multiple individual octaves. C3.wav would be played on C2, C4 etc. With your method it is played on every note on the keyboard in a range. I want to be able to limit the range to individual octaves.
Quickly map individual samples to multiple octaves
I have a chromatic scale sliced up into individual notes on one octave. I would like to map this quickly to the entire keyboard but rather than having C3 be pitched down all the way to the bottom and B3 be pitched all the way to the top to fill the gaps, I want each individual note to be pitched to each octave. So C3.wav would be pitched to C2 and C1 and B3.wav would be pitched to B4 B5 etc.
I can do this by duplicating the samples and setting the key range to those notes but this is really tedious and I'm sure there is a clever script, but I'm pretty new and dumb. Any quick solutions? Thanks!!