Newbie Question - Send Containers
Hello all, and thank you for all your teamwork and partner around such awesome software...
I am trying to use a send container and explore what it can do. I am able to send and use fx's this way, but the gain and pitch modulations do not seem to effect the signal in any way. Are you able to apply a pitch LFO mod in a container? or a constant? I have seen other posts regarding pitch shifting as an effect. My end goal is to have a version of the audio from any signal generator (Sine, Waveform, Sampler) be blend-able with an altered Pitch version. Currently I am using the Master HISE 3.6.2
Thank you again!!
Ok cool, i found this post...
How to use the pitch mod node?
That's easy: HiseSnippet 1556.3oc2Y07aaTDEeV6rNwIoUsPA0iqPbHUpDYWJEjPn7gSbwh5DqrtgdKLc2wwCd2YVlc1jXPbm+P3uCD24Rk3.G3J+AjqbBdyN6lc2ZWWa2jVnNRIddu4iey664kNBtCI...
Forum (
This Forum is great. Just need to know the right search terms. It sound like I need to invest time in Script node more.
Hoping to find an example that would LFO gain next.
blessing Will
Well, I guess my first question still stands, do the gain and pitch modulations work in side containers?
Thank you again
@WaterSpoon said in Newbie Question - Send Containers:
Well, I guess my first question still stands, do the gain and pitch modulations work in side containers?
Thank you again
you mean like this:
HiseSnippet 1175.3oc6X8zbaSDEekc1LIoElDZ5.G0ANjNTxXmlFfgCwMNwEODG6INokY3PYqzy16DocEqVEHCCeF3SC24i.eD3HG4a.7VIaKoTE2DWWlj1nCZz6s6S5299yucepiR5.ggREwZwiNK.HV2k18LgdP8ALtfzbWh0GRawB0fxNQ0NmEvBCAWhkU4mZTXs3bj3q+Y6cXdLgCjphPdlj6.6y845Tscp8sbOuFLW3HtelYuYslNRQcomLBwSYZER.y4DVe3.lYZknDq42ykqkptZlFBIVysiz8rtCj+jHY9OiGxeoGXDpR5hunD0MjdtFDadlTe.2ysyn0cHgXQ6j5EJm3EVk1h6xGqO0arb7.1oVj0eXUJO7JmCdUuH3U.jrx.o4RfzJztNJdfNcDCdtCso.CN8XnaOKTRlKw5On0k3DD508Ym.MTnvXCVaqJUdnMd6AecuHgilKE1RwARMzVr1CV5WVZwk90krO+P85U3XlOiR54ApBG1DoUSxv0DQ9uDTOz9TlWDLdh3xOuOc9KmO0IYUmYhRQSAW2N.FJmlTTsfH.YnaCe53l6xzLSPYnNbdAfRyMvwZW3TLCOIDsHcWH7DsL.ywek3Gl4Hci7X57oSlZngCf9ibwPSfRDx0mksF674Xycw9iJEVBT3p8RB2Unc3ZmAEi2REfWzq81FuCqX+.5d85AN5TvNGsw2MwxyYNTV3BnPuabQHJAppyBBzfKMApU4aTDl+ulLeas26R0d2OAJ2g9b1oPb8WLPterbOox29o.V+Y7oSpF7Om80fsczHDNRwDgAxPnZ1274FairisKniD4mdhpbyxr7ZfKuLyagZiTtQVkcXhbuLTN2apE+mSE+qs2Svv.RW.WMtsCcvEqw2ksbnSjWH7btqdP0rFlpdirp+FlxEiKN4RPKeoyJxROkutMy7KfqZ9a4ptJt1WCyeoNuRCCKS6x8C7f8DmBd3Aihw6GgmDpGKxSORa9ZtVRgLXfTvykMbHnU798gbIYEt3dhVicFjpY0ZGBd.KLSc3mVaeb+VlB8Yvj7KyzynWXr6SnIv01PTXesZ+lkSfMktei1CyyvmrGuHp95wXCE7iQfvIix+daCsXyTV0Z+VsQrvCOn7Xy2G5ienrZNB7CjmmnnquTpGvE8yS1tZs8kxfDlJ2bTSCvjArUkPPm60fu1ijI8yV2SlMEhPZ1WHUPR6OY0WOJTK8Gs.h6CsqFBhaJv56oas453UuOyb+qpi2dT6YiLY1kpV5Rlpdu3v+33rIQ3Z9ohRP73jva.Hdhmiq7a543tBb4Y4uV4MhH3GN93ee6c3AROlxbXzB3DVn1sbB2xI79Lmv0ndkl7IMw9.ruwzU7GSwdS1vNlR09sDm5U.0GJizHiTKFdRVraJ5AQ9cwFAc.DwBA3geHpUICARhbEibLKDHbiE9W7Z3fUMxVCGr5nAem4a3ybTxW3j76eMLRKDqA8sh3+2+hzVFY6pj3eIrY2oJqWg3isn8BGGScymiwfhsYiovlGME1r4TXyimBa1ZJr4KlBa9xIZio63mDga7kTigJ5rWxVdVi2u0pL4+Tw0P2I
Thank you Lindon!!!
I am asking about send containers, I see i just said containers in the previous. What i have observed is you can route the audio signal through a Send Effect. In the Send Container the audio signal is processed by the FX's, but the Gain and Pitch Modulation have no effect on the sent signal. From what I am reading these two modulators only effect the generators themselves not an audio signal. Is that a correct assumption? What i was looking to do was to have one dry audio signal and a wet audio signal effected by gain and pitch modulation. i was thinking I could use the send effects gain as a wet knob. i hope this makes better sense. Thank you again for your feedback and assistance. Will
This post is deleted! -
From what I can tell the gain and pitch sections don't affect the send signal at all - this is either a bug, a UI issue, or us not understanding how it's meant to be used.
For gain at least you can add a simple gain to the chain and modulate that, but I don't know a solution for pitch.
HiseSnippet 1299.3oc6Y0saiSDE1NIdoIaYoEpV3ReAWzUrZUCao.BgRZSaphnoMpN6VPbwpYsmjLp1yXFOtPEhmAdk5i.2wC.u.8M.NiGG+SpIaZ5O6Vn4hnLmYFOm46bNemywoGmYiCBXbM8p8O0Gqoung0oTwnViPDpVms0zejQWTf.yMUh15TeTP.1QSWu7tRA5UqnE847FagbQTabpHMsWxH138HdDQpzdM+NhqaajCtOwKypWuYGaFsEykEB5SYi0z7Q1GiFh2GIWVICM8GriCQv3VBj.G.qYKlyoViX+LUs9WRBHu1EKGTWyBdPJwZsFQbc5M9tFnAOndo27xpa9JFcINjD4oHvRQSXltirXfdoooR0uDpjdFUphRkV1vxlS7EoyH0mGZzgBFjAH.pypJp0poelQKFr.p3Ydniws4vfjMr5Fqs1SMgudx2LHjZKHLpIitOSfOft5Sp8q0pV62pYN4TCFT3bxigybcw7BmVZc4SaiqRC8dMl+TySPtg3jEBW+7X5ClML0VcqyrPFsCkHNvGGOtMy0QhUxeeQKfVLrA+5Ec1FIPRiRrLXc9XtfHUG8swm.d0JSTUiswAGKX9fe8ErefmCyIzEIx6NIiahm.vib1PoghFPDmlMt5R3is1T8wlUUbYidDg8nh0wREni.RcSniwQluuwNCFfsEoJXEi1e+7FFN6G+iTG+CMrHTbDsXzg+3nwlGgNAatKlh4Rvq9TXF+iYkYzelYFOvV.GeeNhF3yBx8fsvdj9LpDERE9h.fH.+SGJslYk2hg3EN04MZCWxB2iERDxibK1ziERE4bCJm2NTY1BcyGQjY8EvSV4s.080SX0awH+bYWpNVGsHd9t3cnmfcA5sHc7CA9rAnPWwXo4cr6xnL+QLJwNqU+PrfSFNDyyp6Edg1THfb5oRVo4gXWLJqG7m1bOvyCwAbBOmXwkOSag1qOwPotlxnQy6tL1k+OMicNy46oN+ELrvTG3DUUvJGXpznowSKe3HJE6BE7DfE4IUoNcnN3eIqU1xiwDiHzg4L8kuscSWVc+tJ9mUlMv+MT+zgrPAfFcQ.a..TF6G5YAYrrwwvJbPF5kRg40jiGitQC9a3S7j0ki0imr93IuUNiL39BJb+ChfXYsf.ni4Yg8Dg0ub8Fcdihp.37FEWA.PmNQE.We9Y2mP8px5Dqi0jMdEHPPIQp9zFOr90phU+9LFWQaWoKlw.JxWUVabS1KlNNu0Ks52XnoYs+7uZbDVLYwvm2nGGOYBldr.wjxt8yX7wFo2h+mj23hb5KFW96touoKk.Soj+U17y91ZO9rswtnbgFGQbftCSD7CMKniuNPE0bQOlKhOYf0MBW9zi9kWoaJae8Y11mykcIkBaXrW6Ch42geYln9y.Mprg0PL0NivEZJSm1IMjq4u2T169.F2K9c3jr88vCgCJqj9XOeFz6et9cRJ7KeR5UZtGi4uCEAvfSNhfQPGNETTI7X6yTud0Vtrr8EAdKCoLNV8l4xUhZXff4M9BD8ZQsDX+n2Wk9OZrw5OC9L3yje+0sfud9AWOi0t95+pzL5j9QQl+D6rzQ3sEE0kRiSbBuCnwx98Atr2AxBLyJbDW6cGEdIidH58cmcm5L7P1b1qrU+MERJqEhj.XKM5+hppQW4Xy5ZQ+0EY4m8f9idksc9G0E13mOua74y6FWed23WLuabi4cie47twu5MuQY6qaFBYPUwhZZc6siJ2odRha8xZ+yBcELU
Thank you David!!!
I agree this is a good work around. The gain modulation on the master chain hits different as it is effecting the midi. i have manged to make a script fx to act like a gated tremolo with timer. I am going to keep messing with it. the next thing I need to learn is wraping the DSP networks to get to export. Consider this topic solved as your answer confirms the send containers are not used in the way i was attempting to use. Thank you.
@WaterSpoon said in Newbie Question - Send Containers:
Thank you David!!!
I agree this is a good work around. The gain modulation on the master chain hits different as it is effecting the midi. i have manged to make a script fx to act like a gated tremolo with timer. I am going to keep messing with it. the next thing I need to learn is wraping the DSP networks to get to export. Consider this topic solved as your answer confirms the send containers are not used in the way i was attempting to use. Thank you.
you can always add a ScriptFX module to your send chain - to modulate the pitch...
Awesome Lindon!!! Yes, I am learning this now and was able to get the specific gain modulation through the script FX and add to the send container. I got stuck when exporting, but now learned how to compile the effects because I used a timer. I will be working on the pitch effect next. You rock, this was the correct way. My favorite word when things like this come up is "Yet" never says never, just not yet!!! There is a way somewhere, Never stop learning!!!
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