How to reload images?
@tsempire thanks for the response, this would mean i have to replace the asset on all pages where it is used right? so if i have 10 knobs i would need to select knob_1 on all of these istead that it just uses the new source?
@Straticah what exactly did you want to change about the knobs?
@tsempire i am doing a reskin of a plugin that already exists, so i nearly change everything but keep the position, 6 assigned button states and also keep the number of frames in the strips.
top is old bottom is new so renaming these and replacing is not an option since i have too many places where they are used. Currently still restarting hise to accept color changes and see how it looks in the vst.
What happens if you select use default skin before you select load image?
@d-healey this could work as a workaround it refreshes the image :) its not as easy as F5 but its a solution to not restart HISE for simple replacements thank you :)
@Straticah I guess you could write a script that loops though every control and resets the image. Then each time you press F5 it will reset all images. Would that be useful?
inline function resetImages() { for (x in Content.getAllComponents("")) { local props = x.getAllProperties(); if (!props.contains("filmstripImage")) continue; x.set("filmstripImage", "Use default skin"); } }
And with a modification it should reload the image after clearing it:
inline function resetImages() { for (x in Content.getAllComponents("")) { local props = x.getAllProperties(); if (!props.contains("filmstripImage")) continue; local img = x.get("filmstripImage"); x.set("filmstripImage", "Use default skin"); x.set("filmstripImage", img); } }
@d-healey oh thats a great idea i will try this!
@Straticah Did it work?