Killing Thread by Force!!
So just a note here about an error I was getting on loading my project into HISE, and the "strange" solution:
Killing thread by force!!!
So generally speaking the consensus when I raised this last time was that it was some timer (probably) I had that was running out of control, so....
I disabled every timer in my project -- no difference...
Well perhaps it was some recursive set of calls I was making, luckily my project is modularised, so I started turning off chunks of it...
..(time passed)...
So got to the point where I could turn on/off an include and get this problem, so within the include file I started commenting out large chunks of code....
...(time passed again)...
So I got to the point where I could remove/include a 100 lines of code and get this to happen/not happen...
But... this code was just some variable array declarations and widget assignments inside not calling anything...
unusually for me these line were not in their own namespace, so I put the whole file into its own namespace....
...and it went away.....
- Always always always use name spaces... (but we all knew this already right?)
- Killing thread by force, may have NOTHING to do with your timers or recursive calls... you may be running out of variable space because you didnt do no.1 here....
@Lindon yeah, this has been very annoying lately to me too. I would open a large project and if I try to navigate to one of the included external scripts, it would throw this killer.
If I reopen the project, then recompile the code again before doing anything, then switch to the external script, it would be fine.It happens in weird places.
Glad you determined the most likely cause!