Wavetable convertion?
I was trying to re-create the wavetables .htw of the example with the current Hise converter and it was impossible for me to get the same file as the example (for example, when converting the FilterSaw samplemap to Wavetable).
I mean, the file is converted to wavetable, only it sounds strange (different) and the size is larger. I tried the Resample and Loris modes (Zero Phase, Static Phase and Dynamic Phase).hise_tutorial/WavetableSynth at master · christophhart/hise_tutorial
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The example file FilteredSaw.hwt sounds great, but I can't re-create it from the samplemap when using the converter.
@bendurso Bump bump :)
@bendurso I just realized that setting the Source Length to the same sample length (2048, I was using Automatic mode before) and enabling FLAC compression does the trick to obtain the same file as the example.