Triggering Notes based on velocity
Hi there,
HISE (and scripting) dummy here trying to make an instrument. Please forgive me if this is the wrong place for the question or if it has already been answered, I have searched but couldn't find anything.
The instrument is based on samples of a flute playing fundamentals and then natural harmonics up to around the 6th partial. I have the samples mapped to the correct note but the premise of the instrument is that I want more of the natural harmonics to be audible based on how hard the fundamental (or any partial with harmonics above) is played. I.e. 64 velocity on C3 might sound just the 1st partial (C4) alongside the C3, 75 velocity will trigger C4 and G4 but with G4 a bit quieter than C4 and so on with a a 127 velocity C3 triggering all 6 partials and the fundamental at various volumes.
I thought I would be able to do this with a velocity modulator somehow, but am struggling to find how. If it has to be scripted so be it but any pointers would be massively appreciated.
Thank you so much in advance!!
@sjwilliams You might be able to do it by layering the samples withing the sample map in the various configurations that you want and adjusting their volume levels in the sample editor.
@d-healey OK yeah - I think that manual method will work thank you! Do you know if there is a way of panning different samples on the same key in different directions? Thanks so much!
edit: actually think I can do this by having the harmonics on a different sampler in the same container
@sjwilliams I think you can edit the pan in the sample editor too
@d-healey yup, pan is a sample property.