VST created by HISE is folder with no contents. What am I missing?
This time, my HISE folder is called hise-master. I guess that's the one you meant by develop branch…
You've downloaded the master branch instead of the develop. Don't worry, it's fine, you just don't have the latest version.
I installed the ASIO and VST SDKs
What do you mean by "installed"? Also you don't need ASIO on MacOS.
@d-healey Finally, a VST was created.
Thank you very much for your patience with me! This was big progress that saved me from getting frustrated.
My Instrument is not that sophisticated yet so time has come to reinvestigate the HISE UI. Somehow, I don't remember how the GUI-elements from Interface designer get to the Code Editor. In one of your videos you were clicking a green swoosh icon in the tool bar but I don't have that thing showing up.
@Frankbeat This video might help