VST created by HISE is folder with no contents. What am I missing?
@d-healey Thanks! I just watched Building HISE on MacOS Mojave 2019 and think I'm now starting to grasp what compiling is. Good you mentioned the IPP. This evening I will delete my prepackaged HISE and build new from source.
@Frankbeat I can't remember what I said about IPP in that video. But don't use it, it isn't needed on Mac.
@d-healey You said something like you wouldn't know why to not include it (but probably in the context of building on Windows, I guess). So I'd just have to disable the option within the Projucer, right?
@Frankbeat I think in the develop branch it is disabled by default on MacOS, but if it isn't you should do that.
I think back when I made that video the advice was to use IPP on Windows and MacOS, but since then the advice is only use it on Windows (and Linux if you want).
This post is deleted! -
Tried to build HISE from source but it just fails with 6 errors reported. I have no clue what to do. Googeling for these offers results of StackExchange. To be honest, I don't understand what these guys there are talking about.
@Frankbeat How many copies of the HISE source code do you have on your system?
@d-healey I (still) have the precompiled App in my Aplications Folder which says Version 3.0.0. And then I have this mentioned source folder HISE-3.0.1 in my Downloads folder.
What I already did on advice from Projucer: I Updated the JUCE-version which put the current one into a folder old_JUCE
I Updated the JUCE-version which put the current one into a folder old_JUCE
This might have caused a problem. Everything you need is in the HISE source folder. If Projucer gives you any popups click the button to tell it not to bother you again.
Start over. Delete everything. Download the develop branch (use git if you know how, if not download the zip).
@d-healey Okay, I deleted it and unpacked the fresh HISE-3.0.1.zip again. But still all the mentioned Errors are being reported. Is it even right for me to use this latest version, as long as I'm still on Mojave (10.14.6)?
@Frankbeat Yes you can use the latest version on Mojave. Can you provide a step by step list of what you're doing?
BTW you're not using the right source code, it should be the develop branch not 3.0.1.zip
@d-healey Wow… now I've got it built without any errors (just 4 warnings).
Today I'm sitting on a fresh Mac with Mojave 10.14.6 with XCode 10.3. This time, my HISE folder is called hise-master. I guess that's the one you meant by develop branch…
I installed the ASIO and VST SDKs and CPretty.Unfortunately, my VST build failed again, but only reporting 1 error this time:
/Users/frankbeat/Downloads/HISE-master/JUCE/modules/juce_audio_plugin_client/VST/juce_VST_Wrapper.cpp:87:10: 'pluginterfaces/vst2.x/aeffect.h' file not found #include "pluginterfaces/vst2.x/aeffect.h" ** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: CompileC /Users/frankbeat/Desktop/Frankbeat\ SBD-9/Binaries/Builds/MacOSX/build/Frankbeat-SBD-9.build/Release/Frankbeat-SBD-9\ -\ VST.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/include_juce_audio_plugin_client_VST2.o /Users/frankbeat/Desktop/Frankbeat\ SBD-9/Binaries/JuceLibraryCode/include_juce_audio_plugin_client_VST2.cpp normal x86_64 c++ com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler (1 failure) logout Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.
Fortunately, I found a forum thread concerning this.
This time, my HISE folder is called hise-master. I guess that's the one you meant by develop branch…
You've downloaded the master branch instead of the develop. Don't worry, it's fine, you just don't have the latest version.
I installed the ASIO and VST SDKs
What do you mean by "installed"? Also you don't need ASIO on MacOS.
@d-healey Finally, a VST was created.
Thank you very much for your patience with me! This was big progress that saved me from getting frustrated.
My Instrument is not that sophisticated yet so time has come to reinvestigate the HISE UI. Somehow, I don't remember how the GUI-elements from Interface designer get to the Code Editor. In one of your videos you were clicking a green swoosh icon in the tool bar but I don't have that thing showing up.
@Frankbeat This video might help