Faust enabled HISE wont open....
So I just installed Faust on the Mac, and rebuilt HISE, all of this went fine but now my HISE wont open with message "libfaust.2.50.6.dylib" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.
I tried the ctrl-click-select-open approach but this is failing in exactly the same way, any ideas how to get past this?
@Lindon I recall facing this issue before but I can't recall how I solved it :grinning_face_with_sweat:
Take a look into 'Confidentiality and security', you should have a notification at the bottom asking you to 'authorize' unverified apps : -
@Matt_SF thank - yes I found this - does this get applied permanently then?
@Lindon I believe so, yes. I didn't recompile HISE for a while now...
@Matt_SF cool - OK thanks