How can I Copy One Project's Components to Another
How can I copy some of my components to another project?
Let me explain, I have 5 buttons inside Panel . Inside That panel I have 2 panels. Inside that panels I have 5 combo Boxes. Some scripts are also written down. How Can I copy the whole architecture and import to another project? -
Scripts can be put in external file and included (if you're including one script in multiple projects you probably want to use the global scripts folder).
For copying components you need to do that in the UI XML.
@d-healey From
Folder ? -
@DabDab Yes
Error Loading Script
Now working. :)
@d-healey Can I include
scripts as included script to another project likeinclude (" My xml presets UIScript.js")
@DabDab You shouldn't have any js files in your xml preset backups folder.
@d-healey Ok.
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@DabDab Note that another option to copy components between project (or within the same project) is to select a component or a group of components and press
. From there you can copy/paste the JSON properties -
@ustk Great... I forgot that.
There's also COPY and PASTE icons for the JSON properties at the top-right of the inspector. I think that works?