Instant crash - something to do with preset loading
I've just added a line of code to load in a user selected preset - my script then does other stuff once this is loaded. When I open the project and .hip file HISE instantly closes. Would you mind taking a look?
This is the repo branch with the bug -
I've uploaded the preset (.hip) here, there isn't an xml backup with the bug preset -
Think I've solved it. I had saveInPreset set to true on my preset loading combo box and I think that this was creating an endless loop and kabooom!
Yes this is a recipe for instant explosion of everything.
I have another instant close problem now. When I'm in the sample editing workspace and I try to open a sampler to edit.
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Interestingly if I load the same sample map into a new sampler in a new project file I'm able to open it in the sample editor workspace.
Hise console says that;
mainInterface:! Line 20, column 1: File C:\Users\NoiseAsh\Documents\HISE Projects\librewave_woodwinds-master\Scripts\HISE-Scripting-Framework\libraries\asyncUpdater.js not found {bWFpbkludGVyZmFjZXx8NzQ2fDIwfDE=}
This happens to me sometimes too. In some projects, it loads xml file, you can hear the sound is ok & you can even tweak the knobs-buttons of the plugin/instrument from Frontend panel... But when you jump up the workspace and try to load interface script for editing; it automatically closes like that. So, some xml files won't be editable after that.. Because of that, I'm saving multiple xml files for having editable versions.
@remarkablex You need to download the framework sub-module