load expansion preset without using Preset Browser
Hi I'm trying to make a custom preset browser using 2 viewports and buttons.
- First viewport is showing expansions. (done)
- Second viewport is showing presets belong to selected expansion (done).
I want to load selected preset with a button but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Engine.loadUserPreset() is only pointing the root folder. Can you help me please?
Note (I will also have save, rename, delete, replace buttons)
Why do you want to make a custom preset browser?
@d-healey Because I need a different preset browser than regular one. My gut dimensions are 900,700 pixels. first viewport is at left top of the screen and second viewport is at right top of screen. There are some other elements in between them.
@mehmethand It will probably be less work to redesign your GUI to fit the stock preset browser than to build a new preset browser...
To load a preset from the expansion you need to use the expansion wildcard (I think). Search wildcard in the API browser and it should show you the correct function.
@d-healey Than you David, first I will listen to your advice and try to change my gui if possible. If I can't do it I will ask for help.