Problem with de LFO in a DAW
Good afternoon everyone. Here Lautaro, from Argentina. I'm new using HISE and since a few days I'm doing some tests.
I'm trying to make an fx plugin, but I'm having a problem opening it in DAW. It is exported and can be used perfectly, but the settings that use LFOs do not sound.
It only happens with those parameters, if I use other types of effects they work well in the DAW.The same thing happens if I try to apply a global modulator to some fx.
Maybe it's something simple that I'm not seeing, or on the contrary, something very complex that I don't understand. heh
Anyway, I'll leave my query here in case anyone knows what's going on. Thank you very much.
Did you enable this option in project preferences?
@d-healey Yes, it is enabled. The one that isn't is "Use IPP", because when I activate it, while compiling, I get a fatal error saying Cannot open source file "ipp.h"
But I supposed they weren't needed for this -
@Lauti By the way, I don't know why this error appears, because I installed everything correctly following its own youtube tutorial, with the only difference that I used Visual studio 2017
@Lauti Gain Modulators doesn't work in FX Plugins (at least doesn't for me) if you want to modulate the Gain use a Simple Gain FX and put the modulator in there, oh and is nice to see people from latinoamerica, greetings from Colombia.
Use this setup instead:
Welcome colleagues :)
I think you need to adjust the knob values in preferences, if I remember correctly you need values in negative scale in .01 it seems to me that the mode is linear
Bienvenidos compañeros :)
Creo que te falto ajustar los valores del knob en preferencias, si no mal recuerdo necesita valores en escala negativa para controles de ganacia en .01 me parece que es linear el modo
@Soundavid Sorry for the delay in responding. Sure, it makes sense!
Thank you very much!
I did a test working only with the effects module and I got what I wanted.
Saludos colega! -
@callybeat The problem I had was with the knob regulating the intensity of the LFO that in the module goes from 0 to 1. It worked fine inside hise but not when I exported it. Doing it as the Parce from Colombia suggested, I got it :)
I'm exploring script fx and for effects plugin projects I think it's the best.
Thank you very much