Unable to Compile AU for Mac
@arminh an external dive? And can’t even open juce 5
Now I've installed ipp on my mac here, but as you can see, the results says that the ipp file not found. What should I do?
@nesta99 The Problem for me was that ipp gets installed in a slightly different location than it used to! If you search for it on your system you’ll find the ipp folder. I simply copied it in the location specified in the HISE projucer file and that solved the issue for me!
@vewilya ok, checking this now, thanks man!
@vewilya Thx to @d-healey btw!
Have you experienced this as well? -
@nesta99 Actually I think your issue looks different than mine! Forget what I said... Sorry... My issue was solely ipp path related... This looks like something else!
@vewilya no problem man, thanks again for replying. Does anyone that has a mac knows this issue please?
@nesta99 What version of XCode are you using?
@d-healey 10.3 please
@d-healey This error pops up at the very end of the build process, maybe there's an issue in the linking process ...
@nesta99 I don't know the solution to this one. Type the error message into Google.
@d-healey uhm, already done that, but they’re on IOS ... any idea please? @Christoph-Hart
Try cleaning the project and rebuilding.
@d-healey Alright, please what do you mean by “cleaning”
@nesta99 Go to the build menu and select clean project (not 100% sure if that's what it's called but it's something like that). Another option is to just delete your Binaries folder and re-export.
@d-healey thanks so much David. Will try as soon as I get home from work
@d-healey Unfortunately not working... oh my days.. no one here faced this issue ?
How many copies of the HISE source code do you have?
@d-healey Just this one. I cloned it on my terminal by copying the link from github.