Should I use enums or is it more efficient to use a const var object or reg variable?
Use const variables in combination with a namespace. Accessing this is as just as fast as using the actual literal value; everthing else comes with a performance penalty
namespace Direction { const var UP = 0; const var DOWN = 1; const var BOTH = 2; }; // Usage: switch(d) { case Direction.UP:
Yeah I thought there would be a penalty. What about using enums within a namespace? Since we can't nest namespaces.
If you're already in a namespace, you can just use const variables - a common rule is to write constant values and enums
so you don't get confused :) -
How does
const var Direction = {UP:0, DOWN:1, BOTH:2};
compare for efficiency to using individual const vars? -
You can profile this easily to measure the difference:
const var DirectionSlow = { "UP": 0, "DOWN": 1, "UP_DOWN": 2}; namespace DirectionFast { const var UP = 0; const var DOWN = 1; const var UP_DOWN = 2; }; reg i = 0; Console.print(""); Console.print("Object Access:"); Console.start(); for(i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { // Use many accesses to diminish the impact of the loop logic DirectionSlow.UP_DOWN; DirectionSlow.UP; DirectionSlow.DOWN; DirectionSlow.UP_DOWN; DirectionSlow.UP; DirectionSlow.DOWN; DirectionSlow.UP_DOWN; DirectionSlow.UP; DirectionSlow.DOWN; } Console.stop(); Console.print("Namespace Access:"); Console.start(); for(i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { Direction.UP_DOWN; Direction.UP; Direction.DOWN; Direction.UP_DOWN; Direction.UP; Direction.DOWN; Direction.UP_DOWN; Direction.UP; Direction.DOWN; } Console.stop();
On my system it's 540ms vs 387ms. It's not super critical, but if possible I'd recommend using namespaces.
Thank you