Create guitare
Hi people. my problem does not concern hise directly but as here there are a lot of people who think correctly i would like to present my project to you. I would like to create a very simple guitar vst. the notes will be triggered via buttons that I will position on all the strings. ( one hundred ). until then it is easy to do. the problem is that on a guitar, it has several possibilities of making the same notes at the same pitches but necessarily of different sound. for example the E, we do it on 3 octaves (first string, 3rd string and last string). you can also make an E with the first string on the 2nd octave which will sound almost like the E of the 3rd string (by pressing the second fret of the grid of course). I don't know if you understood the trick ^^ so how do you import the samples into a sampler? we could play on the velocity but it is already used with the volume and a light filter. on my keyboard in the end I don't know how to differentiate these famous duplicate notes. I don't know if that s a question or a cry for help. ^^ I am interested in all the ideas. I may think it over, it's still complicated. ps: I have thought of making several samplers and activating them or not according to the height of the left hand of the guitar ... here :) sorry for the google translation
Don't use buttons! Use a panel. I've was working on a guitar engine last year, it's quite complex. The GUI has to be in the non-realtime thread but update when real time notes are triggered.
@d-healey it is beyond my skills. i am limited on using hise thanks to the forum help on some pretty simple stuff. the guitar is really too complicated. I could do a simple version using basic octaves but that wouldn't really sound. I bought myself a nice fender and sampled in my TLM 107 and Universal audio preamp. that sounds really good. hence this idea
The simplest way is to not worry about the same note on multiple strings, just record one version of each note and map them like a standard keyboard instrument.
As soon as you start recording notes across multiple strings you have to start handling the user interaction in a different way, like making sure that only one note can be triggered per string, and that legato transitions happen in a realistic way. It gets complicated quickly.
If you want a more full featured instrument then when I finally finish my guitar engine we can talk about collaborating on a release, you can provide the samples and I'll provide the code, but that won't be until next year.
I made some posts on Patreon about my guitar engine earlier in the year. This is how it was looking in February
@d-healey it will be a pleasure
@yall the most realistic libraries - keep a note of the hand position - so if the hand position is at its lowest point (fret 0) then the decision about which "middle" e to play is simple - its the one you recorded from fret 2 of the D string - if the hand position is (say) at fret 5 then the E to play is the one you recorded from fret 7 on the A string...
I thought of something. it may or may not be possible ^^
let's imagine that the 6 guitar strings correspond to 6 notes of the keyboard (for example the 6 first notes at the bottom of the keyboard).
and that the rest of the keyboard is assigned to all the notes (even those in duplicate). is it possible to select a note (for example an E and in A) but they are played only if I press on the first and third string (the part of the 6 notes reserved for the strings at the bottom of the keyboard)? basically a keyboard that selects the note but which only plays it if you press one of the 6 keys reserved for the strings.
to play live it would be really complicated but with a midi grid it can do it. here is my super twisted idea of the day ^^ -
@yall That would work. In my image above you can see the 6 blue keys, they are used to force a particular note to be played on a specific string, so similar to your suggestion.
@d-healey a real coding puzzle for me. and sampling too ^^