How to bundle Images for use with External Floating Tile tutorial
So I'm using the External Floating Tile Tutorial. I'd like to bundle images so they're part of the BinaryData classes generated by the ProJucer. Where do I put these so they get generated, and not blown away on an export of the Plugin?
If I add them to the Images folder, they don't seem to get picked up. If I put them in the Source/Images folder that contains stock HISE images for dialogs and such, they don't get bundled in either. If I add them manually to the ProJucer file, they'll get added but then that ProJucer file is blown away on export.
Any suggestions?
In Preference, Turn The "Embed Images" On
And Place The Image Files Into Your Project >>> Images Folder. -
I don't see them anywhere in the exported Xcode project files when I do that. Not in PresetData.cpp or in BinaryData.cpp. Since the image isn't being used, could it be getting stripped out on export?
When I create an Image in the interface editor and add the image file to it, then the image gets embedded in PresetData.cpp on export. However, how do I access the data to load a juce::Image? It looks like all the images get bundled together under a single const char* for PresetData::images. Anyone know how to load a single image in C++ code from that?
I ended up using the Projucer from the command line to turn my images into binary.cpp files, and place them in AdditionalSourceCode folder. It works.
You can actually use the normal image handling of HISE in C++ projects. Just make sure that the image is loaded somewhere on your scripted interface before you export, then call
auto myImage = hise::raw::Pool::loadImage("{PROJECT_FOLDER}MyImage.png");
You get some benefits over the traditional BinaryData approach: the images are shared across plugin instances and are more compressed.
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