getAttribute(LoopEnd & LoopStart)
If I make a reference to my sampler with
const var CrossFadePiccoloSampler = Synth.getSampler("CrossFade Piccolo");
I'm supposed to reach the parameters LoopEnd & LoopStart and subtracting the loopStart from the LoopEnd should give me the LoopLength, however both attributes give -1, am I doing something wrong, or is it broken?
var LoopL = CrossFadePiccoloSampler.getAttribute(CrossFadePiccoloSampler.LoopEnd) - CrossFadePiccolo.getAttribute(CrossFadePiccolo.LoopStart);
Won't loop start and end be different for every sample in the sampler?
@d-healey yes they would, so how do I get a reference to played sample?
@ulrik Ok, I found it, I have to use
Console.print(parseInt(CrossFadePiccoloSampler.getSoundProperty(CrossFadePiccoloSampler.SampleEnd, 0)) - parseInt(CrossFadePiccoloSampler.getSoundProperty(CrossFadePiccoloSampler.SampleStart, 0)));
so the "0" is the index of this particular sample (I have only 1 sample in the sampler located at C3, so I guess the index number is not related to at what pitch the sample is located but it's the first (and last :) )
So if I have several samples how is the samples indexed?
Ok, they get an ID, I see it here
Great!! -
@ulrik Why does this not work?
With this I get the SoundProperty 15 = LoopStart, for Sound with index 0, works fine!Console.print(CrossFadePiccoloSampler.getSoundProperty(15, 0));
but if I use this for the same sample
CrossFadePiccoloSampler.setSoundProperty(0, 15, 2020);
I will get an error saying
Line 12, column 49: no sound with index 0
@ulrik Ok, I had to select the sample first, then it works, Heureka!! :)
Looks like you have to make a selection before you can use that function.
@d-healey Yes that's what I figured out, after spending some interesting hours...hehe :)